Top Stories published by Pam Writes in 2012

Ten Things NOT to Say to a Debut Novelist

I’m so pleased to bring you a guest post from Rayme Waters, author of the novel, The Angels’ Share. Rayme and I met at the Tin House Summer Writers Workshop in 2010, where we workshopped with the brilliant Robert Boswell. Through the wonder of social media

Mary Oliver & The Fortunate Ones

Yesterday afternoon I had the privilege, the pleasure and the soul-soothing satisfaction of hearing Mary Oliver read many of her poems at Marquette University. She received an honorary degree from Marquette, this lovely little woman sans college degree, whose brilliance…

Roxane Gay — We Nominate You

“Change requires intent and effort. It really is that simple.” Roxane Gay

(If you find yourself unable to read to the end of this post due to time, please do bookmark and read Ms. Gay’s essay, Beyond The Measure of Men. Do NOT miss her essay.)

Writers & Haunted Hotels

Halloween — the perfect time to consider our favorite horror author, Stephen King (and author of one of my favorite writing craft books, On Writing). Today, I’m pleased to bring you a guest post from my friend, Kathy Lanzarotti. We met years ago in Judy Bridges’ Shut Up & Write class

These were the top 10 stories published by Pam Writes in 2012. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2012 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

Pam Writes
Pam Parker aka Persevering Professional. Writer, breast cancer & depression survivor, tries to bring hope, meaning & smiles to others as much as possible.
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