Top Stories published by Pam Writes in 2015

Deeply Good People

First, a confession. I rarely read The New York Times. I know, my bad. Especially as a writer. But here’s the thing — when I was a freshman in college, I remember two seniors talking about The New York Times like it was their bible, like anything else, anything at all, was not a source worth…

The Introverts’ Anthem

October 21, 2015 was Back to the Future Day — the day Marty McFly traveled to in Back to the Future II — the interwebs was full of stories about where the movie got it right — hover boards, video phone calls, etc. Without planning it, I did some time traveling of my own on Wednesday, back…

Glads and Sads

Our time in Glasgow is slipping away and it makes me alternately sad and glad. When I was helping back at Wauwatosa Presbyterian Church with a confirmation group (mostly eighth and ninth graders), we would often begin sharing our “glads and sads.” It was refreshing in the course of our time together…

Reverse Culture Shock

Students who study abroad are often taught to expect reverse culture shock when they return. The Office of International Education at Marquette University writes:

Reverse culture shock, or re-entry, is simply a common reaction to returning home from studying

These were the top 10 stories published by Pam Writes in 2015. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2015 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

Pam Writes
Pam Parker aka Persevering Professional. Writer, breast cancer & depression survivor, tries to bring hope, meaning & smiles to others as much as possible.
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