Dynamic Provisioning Profiles with Fastlane

When it comes to deploying mobile applications, Fastlane has been an amazing tool that allows new builds to be created in no time. Especially with the Code Signing dance that all iOS developers will encounter at one point or another, it can be a really…

Unit Testing with RxSwift

After reading Testing reactive code (RxJS) by Gleb Bahmutov, I was inspired to check out what unit testing might look like when using RxSwift. After playing around for a while, I was able to get some simple unit tests going and even use the virtual scheduler to quickly run tests…

Subscribe it like it’s Hot! (Pt. 2)

So in my last blog post, I talked about how to create a hot observable and what the difference is between a cold and hot observable. The key operator that I mentioned was publish(). Calling publish on the observable turned it into a connectable observable (which is…

Tech with Pangers
Tech with Pangers
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