Top Stories published by panGloss Law in 2005

Oxford Internet Institute UK Survey

The Oxford Internet Institute survey of UK Internet usage landed on my desk (yes! hard copy! how quaint!) this morning. It is a thing of wonder. Every totally obvious statement you ever wanted to include in an article but couldn’t be bothered to find statistical…

Publication on web in Scotland is not “public” enough!

The latest Brodies Solicitors free technology law supplement helpfully tells me of an intersting recent Scottish Fredom of Information decision. 

In Decision 001/2005, Mr l and the Lothian & Borders Safety Camera Partnership (17 May…

Liability of ISPs for malware?

Bruce Schneier has reiterated his long held belief that ISPs should be held liable for their part in spreading viruses and malware.

The Register quote him as saying: “It’s about externalities — like a chemical company polluting a river — they don’t live downstream and they…

Th First World Trade War

(via Lenz Blog) Last March, the WTO’s Appellate Body confirmed the ruling against the United States in the case of cotton subsidies (DSB 267). This case was brought by Brazil against the United States arguing that the cotton industry in that country is obtaining subsidies from the…

These were the top 13 stories published by panGloss Law in 2005. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2005 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

panGloss Law
A UK-based law blog by Lilian Edwards
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