Google remembers, after only two weeks

Google has implemented the “right to be forgotten” imposed by Google Spain on 13 May 2014. At slightly over two weeks for a response, this puts most actual governments to shame :-) Having failed totally to comment on the original document due to overwork swamp…

Can You Criticise Your Boss on Twitter and Keep your Job?

I was interviewed yesterday by the Metro free newspaper on this point, following the onlineprotest tweets by many Mozilla employees in the US that they did not want a boss who had donated money to an anti-gay marriage fighting…

How to Go to GikII : a Beginner’s Guide!

For any out there wondering how you start preparing to give a GIkII talk, here’s a recent story that sums up the entire ethos I feel..

Printer Is Coming: Game of Thrones Fan Fashions 3-D Model of…

panGloss Law
panGloss Law
A UK-based law blog by Lilian Edwards
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