What About 2022?

Paper Poetry Prompt# 22

Suntonu Bhadra
Paper Poetry


Photo by zero take on Unsplash

Hello Everyone,

I hope you are having a wonderful time in whichever corner of the world you are living in.

For me, this week is not going so well. Both Nibedita (my partner) and I tested covid positive yesterday and we’re taking precautions to make it a less painful experience. Pray for us!

Week 21 prompt has just come to an end. Thanks to Indubala for putting together such a fantastic challenge for the writers. The following are the submitted poems on the theme:

I Am — by Toni Crowe
Rain Dance — by Jenine Bsharah Baines
Raine Loves Rain — by Raine Lore
Walking in the Rain — by Carolyn Hastings

Thank you, Toni, Jenine, Raine, and Carolyn, for your beautiful poems.

New prompt

Theme: You guessed it right, as it is prompt# 22, I thought to put 2022 as the theme.

Write whatever you want to express about 2022. It can be about the year itself, a memorable event, a novel experience, the achievements, the milestones to achieve in the coming days — the inks are at your mercy, and the paper is your canvas.

Form: your choice

