Cøsmos Network: Hub 3 upgrade is here, The Launch of CosmWasm, Terra successfully launched Columbus 3 mainnet, Binance added support for ATOM staking, Lunie (Beta) is on iOS and Android

Published in
22 min readDec 17, 2019

Biweekly update 3rd December — 17th December

Astronauts, it’s the end of the year, and there was a ton of big stuff the past two weeks for you! Read below for basic updates.
How excited are you to start implementing CosmWasm-enabled blockchains and deploy custom — and highly secure — smart contracts? CosmWasm was designed with re-entrancy mitigation in mind! It is a new smart contracting platform built for the Сosmos ecosystem. CosmWasm was originally prototyped by Team Gaians at the Berlin Hackatom 2019. In particular, Aaron Craelius came up with the architecture, especially avoiding reentrancy, Jehan Tremback led the rust coding, and Ethan Frey led the go side of the implementation. After the successful prototype, the Interchain Foundation provided a grant to Confio to implement a robust version that would work in an adversarial environment. If you are a Rust developer, you can easily write smart contracts that can be uploaded to any Cosmos SDK based chain that includes the CosmWasm module. You can find more information on the technology in our report.
We’d like to welcome everyone to Cosmos Hub 3, which launched successfully! As you know, proposal for Cosmos Hub 3 upgrade has passed with an overwhelming 99.66% of stakers voting YES and takeoff was scheduled for December 11th, 2019 at block 2,902,000. This was the first major Cosmos Hub upgrade since launching in March 2019. The most apparent thing is that Cosmos will have now some new validator operators, possibly up to 25 more. Also, Cosmos Hub 3 enables voters to have the power to change how the Hub works at a fundamental level without a hard fork. For these powerful new governance features for voters check out Gavin Birch’s take below.
Blockchains are slow but Cosmos ecosystem moves fast. A lot has happened since the last issue! Today Binance launched KAVA staking to its millions of users. This marks the first of many DeFi services between Kava and Binance. The genesis block for Columbus-3 has now been created. Congratulations Terra validators! Moreover, Mongolian taxi riders can now pay their drivers in stablecoins routed through the Terra blockchain. Commercio Network, a federated network of companies that seek to securely transfer business documents to one another using the blockchain, launched the Testnet 5000. Lunie Mobile is now available in app stores near you. Starname Network will open registration for ATOM holders on December 23rd. Planetary Regeneration Podcast by Regen Network is now out. Oasis introduced the Dev Accelerator Program, a program providing innovative developers and small teams with early access, technical guidance and investor insights as they build privacy-first applications on the Oasis platform. Althea published their Development Update. IRISnet-Bianjie validator node has upgraded to Gaia v2.0.3 for the Cosmos Hub-3 launch and is generating blocks. Unicoins test model is now online. Last month, the Forbole team has announced Forbole’s fundraiser which will last for two months with an increasing valuation cap. In the fundraiser weekly update 2, they talk about their thoughts on staking business Cosmos Hub, which is crucial to the success of Forbole. Kate Sills, software engineer at Agoric, explains the design choices for the secure smart contract framework they’ve developed, and how they incorporate e-rights into an interoperable cross-chain world on Interchain.FM podcast. Videos from [stake.fish] Cosmos Community Event were published. And last but not least, last week Binance added support for Cosmos (ATOM) staking.
Astronauts, have a great week! Thank you for being a part of the Cøsmos!


Github metrics:

Announcing the Launch of CosmWasm

A WASM-based Smart Contract Module for the Cosmos SDK

The Cosmos SDK is written in Golang based on certain design considerations to allow for the customization of modules, however, expanding across many programming languages is crucial to growing developer adoption. Ultimately supporting the greater goal of enabling an Internet of Blockchains — or The Interchain — to support a plethora of implementations and capabilities connected by the Inter-Blockchain Communication Protocol (IBC).

June 2019 marked the first-ever Cosmos HackAtom Berlin and the beginnings of CosmWasm. The hackathon’s goal? Expanding tooling for developers interested in building on the Cosmos Network. CosmWasm, a project enabling WebAssembly (WASM) virtual machines (VMs) in the Cosmos SDK, was one of a number of projects to eventually receive a grant from the Interchain Foundation with regards to developer tooling.

The first implementation of a WASM virtual machine running on top of a Cosmos SDK application has been designed by Ethan Frey from Confio (he’s also the lead engineer at Regen Network). The team is excited to announce that it is now available for the Cosmos community! If you are a Rust developer, you can easily write smart contracts that can be uploaded to any Cosmos SDK based chain that includes the CosmWasm module. You can find more information on the technology at the links below:

Adding WebAssembly to the Cosmos SDK allows software written in many languages to run securely on a blockchain. WASM serves as an intermediate language that compiles the developer’s language of choice into a portable virtual machine. This means that you can have a simple, secure and fast virtual machine set up to sandbox or partition your application’s actions for better testing, security, performance and speed.

The entrance of a new programming language to the Cosmos Network has several benefits for the overall developer ecosystem. First, this product allows developers to write modules in Rust that integrate seamlessly with the Cosmos SDK, so they can take advantage of the mainnet-proven Cosmos-SDK modules and BPoS Tendermint consensus algorithm while developing a largely Rust-based custom application logic. Second, the ability to upload code in transactions, rather than restarting the chain, allows for a much quicker deployment of new features; the Cosmos Hub upgrade procedure is necessary only when making changes in the core logic. This enables application-specific zones to freeze the staking logic and iterate quickly on their core value proposition through custom smart contracts. Especially if they limit contract deployment to governance, this can provide an easy way for the chain to ship code quickly. If they launch a chain with the default permissionless uploading of smart contracts, you can build an Ethereum alternative on Tendermint.

An important consideration for performance when building smart contracts is the data packet size. Web Assembly code is naturally larger than Ethereum bytecode as it offers more generality. Rust has no garbage collector and the standard library can be excluded from builds, which means that a minified simple escrow contract requires around 50kB (16kB compressed). Golang or Haskell are alternatives, but would likely produce contracts of several hundred kB. This consideration, along with the popularity of Rust in the blockchain ecosystem, led the Tendermint team to use this as a first implementation language for Web Assembly contracts in the Cosmos SDK.

While the ecosystem is still nascent, the smart contract environment within CosmWasm is Turing complete. This means that you have the capability to perform any logic that could be implemented in Ethereum and execute it within the Cosmos SDK without modifying the underlying blockchain. The CosmWasm module includes a mature build and test environment and comes with an integrated development environment (IDE) thanks to Rust’s native programming features. For a more detailed guide on “Getting started with CosmWasm” visit the product’s documentation website.

If you are a Rust developer using CosmWasm with the Cosmos SDK means you:

  • …only need a minimal knowledge of Golang.
  • … can start building on the Cosmos SDK and integrate easily into the existing Cosmos Network.
  • …can extend your existing chain or application to the Cosmos chain with minimal overhead.

If you are a Go developer using the Cosmos SDK with CosmWasm, the benefits include:

  • Only a minimal knowledge of Rust is required thanks to the well-designed CosmWasm tool kit.
  • Adding Rust programming logic to the Cosmos SDK allows for live upgrades or custom contracts enhancing the customization and execution of your application.
  • You gain access to Rust’s type safety and testing and the encoding and crypto signatures relatively common in Rust — which are ideal for developing highly secure blockchain applications which could be used in DeFi.

CosmWasm for Developers

After the successful prototype, the Interchain Foundation provided a grant to Confio to implement a robust version that would work in an adversarial environment. This article introduces developers to the output of that grant work, and lays out possible future directions.

How to use CosmWasm:

CosmWasm is written as a module that can plug into the Cosmos SDK. This means that anyone currently building a blockchain using the Cosmos SDK can quickly and easily add CosmWasm smart contracting support to their chain, without adjusting existing logic. We also provide a sample binary of CosmWasm integrated into the gaiad binary, called wasmd, so you can launch a new smart-contract enabled blockchain out of the box, using documented and tested tooling and the same security model as the Cosmos Hub.

You will need a running blockchain to host your contracts and use them from an app. The team will explain how to set up a local “dev net” in the tutorial. And plan to soon release a hosted testnet, to which all developers can simply upload their contracts, in order to easily run a demo and to share their contract with others.

Once you have a CosmWasm-enabled blockchain, you can deploy a custom contract. This is similar in principle to Ethereum, but there are a number of differences in the details.

Comparison with Solidity Contracts

First of all, the deploy-execute process consists of 3 steps rather than 2. While Ethereum was built around the concept of many unique contracts, each possibly custom-made for any bilateral agreement, the reality seems to show that writing a bug-free contract is harder than originally thought, and a majority are copies of standard templates like OpenZepellin. With that in mind, and conscious of the overhead of uploading and validating wasm code, we define the following 3 phases of a contract:

  • Upload Code — Upload some optimized wasm code, no state nor contract address (example Standard ERC20 contract)
  • Instantiate Contract — Instantiate a code reference with some initial state, creates new address (example set token name, max issuance, etc for my ERC20 token)
  • Execute Contract — This may support many different calls, but they are all unprivileged usage of a previously instantiated contract, depends on the contract design (example: Send ERC20 token, grant approval to other contract)

Just like Ethereum, contract instantiation and execution is metered and requires gas. Furthermore, both instantiation and execution allow the signer to send some tokens to the contract along with the message. Two key differences are that sending tokens directly to a contract, eg. via SendMsg, while possible, does not trigger any contract code. This is a clear design decision to reduce possible attack vectors. It doesn’t make anything impossible, but requires all execution of the contract to be explicitly requested.

Contract Security

Code correctness is paramount in blockchain smart-contracts. As the source code is public and there is no “admin” to fix things, there must be no bugs in the execution paths that can be exploited to produced undesired (or undefined) behavior. Many teams look to use Turing incomplete languages to perform deeper analysis and remove many classes of bugs. The team chooses to use a Turing complete language, like Solidity, but with security as a primary goal. This includes limiting possible attack surface, but also very strong in-built unit test capabilities to easily shake out bugs before deployment.

While CosmWasm development has a steeper learning curve than Solidity (it definitely takes more work to get your first sample contract running), it is designed to be more productive for devs with a couple weeks of experience who wish to produce production-ready code. And they hope to have an architecture and tooling to avoid the need for a whole industry of “CosmWasm smart contract auditors”, as it should be easy to just “do the right thing”.

One major class of attacks in Ethereum (and probably the most infamous due to the DAO hack) is reentrancy. CosmWasm was architected to eliminate the possibility of this class of attacks.

Much like Ethereum, the team takes resource usage seriously. As such, they provide hard limits on memory usage, and gas-based limits on CPU and Storage.

For those who take security very seriously, you can read a longer list of how CosmWasm stacks up against all known Ethereum attack vectors.

For reading Getting Started with CosmWasm click here.

Future Work:

CosmWasm, both the VM as well as the platform, is at a usable alpha-state now and the team is working on refining the last issues to make it production-ready, with your feedback. Smaller fixes needed to make it ready for mainnet are being tracked in this project. In addition to that, they want to build tooling around it, and iterate on new features, ideally focused on the needs of real users. Some of the main points on the current roadmap are:

  • Launch and maintain a public testnet, so anyone can experiment with contracts.
  • Add support for existing cosmos tools, like block explorer and wallet on this network.
  • Build collection of standard contracts to inspire development (like OpenZeppelin), with documentation and tutorials to help onboard new developers.
  • Create a website to verify rust code behind wasm byte code, like etherscan. The build system is already built, but a web frontend is needed.
  • Set up a registry to share contracts (or provide a nice way to use crates.io).
  • Provide simple JS APIs to instantiate and execute contracts to enable dApp development, along with a demo dApp.
  • Provide integrations with IBC (when golang implementation is stable) to allow multi-chain interactions by smart contracts.

Community-driven testnet for software upgrades

Proposal for Cosmos Hub upgrade has passed with an overwhelming 99.66% of stakers voting YES and takeoff was scheduled for December 11th, 2019 at block 2,902,000.

Figment Networks (figment.network )

Full proposal: ipfs.io

Cosmos Hub 3 has launched: voters are more powerful than ever

by Gavin :

This is the first major Cosmos Hub upgrade since launching in March 2019. Some of the noteworthy changes include the items signalled in previous governance proposals:

What’s New?

The most apparent thing is that the community is growing– Cosmos will have some new validator operators, possibly up to 25 more.

Prior to the Cosmos Hub 3, a governance proposal could only be used as a signalling mechanism. What does that mean?

Any passed proposals did not automatically trigger a change to the Hub, but rather legitimized changes that needed to be enacted by protocol developers. These changes then needed to be released as new software and run by participating validators. This process is also known as a hard fork.

Many parameters can be changed via governance proposal

Cosmos Hub 3 enables voters to have the power to change how the Hub works at a fundamental level without a hard fork. This is an immense amount of power, since there are many kinds of potential parameter changes, each of which may be very impactful. It’s important to know that multiple parameter changes may happen from one single proposal. What kinds of changes can be made?

Changing the minimum inflation, for example

If a governance proposal proposed to change the minimum inflation (InflationMin) from 7% to 9% and passed, for example, the inflation rate of the Hub and the rewards rate would both instantly change once the voting period ended.

Inflation is currently 7.26%, and that would instantly become 9%. The current ~9.47% rewards rate would become 11.47%. You can learn more about how inflation and rewards relate here.

Other Examples Include

GoalBonded (current setting: 67%), which determines whether inflation increases or decreases based on a target staking participation rate. Since ~75% of ATOMs are currently staking, inflation is decreasing.

SlashFractionDowntime (current setting: 0.01%), which determines the portion of a validator’s stake-backing that gets slashed for being offline beyond a certain number of blocks. That number of blocks is a parameter that may be changed, and is currently 9,500 out of 10,000 blocks.

There are many more–note that this is a very small subset of all of the possible parameter changes.

The community tax rate (current setting: 2%) determines the portion of block rewards that are diverted from staking rewards to the community pool, and that parameter may be changed as well. Speaking of which..

Governance proposals may now spend Community Pool funds

With nearly a quarter of a million ATOMs available to be spent and growing, this is another powerful function of governance proposals.

If I submit a proposal to send 200k ATOMs to my address, the instant the proposal passes, I will control those funds.

How can we see proposed parameter changes & community spends?

It will be critical for interfaces that show governance activity to show more than just the description of the proposal, so that voters are aware of any coded parameter changes. Voters will also need to know if the proposal proposes to spend from the community pool. Hubble is prepared to display this information.

The Vote That Got Us Here

Here are some stats:

Delegator votes: 40 (35.71%)

Validator votes: 72 (64.29%)

Total: 112 votes

Delegator vote stake: 19,950,686.19 ATOM (12.90%)

Total vote stake: 154,680,230.97 ATOM of approximately 184M staked ATOM


  • Yes — 154,154,642.30
  • No — 525,588.66

What’s important about delegator votes?

When a validator votes, they direct all of their delegators’ voting power toward that vote. When a delegator votes, they override how their validator has voted (if they have voted).

In this vote, ‘yes’ had an overwhelming majority, so what’s the point of voting as a delegator? Probably a number of reasons, but it’s good 1) to show the Cosmos community that you’re paying attention and 2) to signal to validators that ATOM stakers have power over the Cosmos Hub (and not just the validators).

Curious to know more about what’s important about delegator voting? Check out Gavin’s concern for combining governance power with the validator role.

New videos:

Evidence handling in Tendermint

In this talk Tess Rinearson, Marko Baricevic, Zarko Milosevic, Shivani Joshi, and Ethan Buchman discuss evidence handling in Tendermint

Awareness and social encounters

Smart Contracts & Funding Public Goods on Interchain.FM:

Kate Sills, software engineer at Agoric, explains the design choices for the secure smart contract framework they’ve developed, and how they incorporate e-rights into an interoperable cross-chain world.

Agoric is one of the founding members of the IBC steering committee and has been instrumental in the development and specification of the protocol.

Kate has written on the intersection of technology and law for libertarianism.org.

These weeks events:

December 13th, 2019: Learn about Binance chain, TrustWallet, Tellor, Agoric, and Cosmos in BitTemple San Francisco, San Francisco, USA.

December 13th, 2019: Aragon Meetup:

December 14th, 2019: Cosmos India was hosting it’s first official meetup in Vellore, Tamil Nadu.

Upcoming events:

Cosmos meetup from Seoul by CosmosSKore happening tomorrow. Don’t miss out!

Videos from [stake.fish] Cosmos Community Event:





Cryptium Labs:



The Interchain Foundation (ICF) raised $17 million in April 2017 to shepherd the development of the Cosmos network.

“To date, we still have over 1,400 BTC, over 50,000 ETH and just over 20 million ATOMs in the treasury,” ICF director Arianne Flemming says.

At today’s prices, that’s worth over $104 million. And that’s even after the nonprofit deployed $25 million in capital to fund over 50 projects.

Cosmos validators


Information from Mintscan.io:

Top 10 validators:

Cosmos Markets

Information is taken from Coinmarketcap.com.

Information from Coinlib.io:

Binance added support for Cosmos (ATOM) staking.

Cosmos DEX demo

The launch of the first Cosmos DEX demo is an initial exercise at exploring, ideating, and creating the next set of decentralized exchange projects that can be built on the Cosmos SDK.


Cosmos Hub Roadmap:

Governance Milestones

The following milestones will require voting by on-chain governance.

Proposal: Atom Transfers

2019–04–10 An upgrade proposal may be created on the Cosmos Hub to allow ATOM to be transferred to other Cosmos addresses. Read more »

Proposal Passed: Atom Transfers

2019–04–17 Success! The proposal to allow ATOM to be transferred to other Cosmos addresses passes.

Proposal: IBC

future TBD

An upgrade proposal may be created on the Cosmos Hub to add support for IBC, the Inter-Blockchain Communication protocol. IBC will allow other Cosmos SDK-based blockchains to connect to the Hub. Read more »

Proposal Passed: IBC

future TBD

Success! The Inter-Blockchain Communication protocol is now supported by the Cosmos Hub. The IBC standard will allow blockchains that support it to connect.

Community Governance

future TBD

At this point, the critical features of the Cosmos Hub has been activated by the community of Atom holders. Further governance of the network and upgrades to the software or blockchain state are left to the community. Read more »


These weeks updates:

Akash Network:

Congratulations to Founding Member Challenge Contributors! Still Time to Join for 5500 Akash Tokens!

Don’t Miss The Unstoppable Stack at IFX2019.


Althea Development Update #79: Things Android won’t let you do.



Forbole’s fundraiser update (Week 2) — How we see Cosmos: Last month, the team has announced Forbole’s fundraiser which will last for two months with an increasing valuation cap. In this fundraiser weekly update 2, they talk about their thoughts on staking business Cosmos Hub, which is crucial to the success of Forbole.

Forbole’s fundraiser update (Week 3):
- Team: They are excited to have Leonardo to join them as Software Engineer! He will be responsible for the development of Desmos. They are working across 3 continents and are still hiring. You may check the openings here.

- Fundraising: US$110K has been committed so far, all from individuals.

Desmos: The first incentivized program is coming. No worries as that will be an easy one to match the holiday mood. The team plans to design a series of programs to let various types of contributors to acquire skin in the game by spending effort. You can join them no matter you are validator, code contributor or simply an ordinary user on social networks.
- Indicate your interest in Desmos
- GitHub
- Developers Support Program

Regen Network: They particularly want to introduce them to China’s market as this is also an important topic of the nation. Shilin has written this introduction of Regen Network in Chinese.


Why the Lottery Industry in the Artificial Age Urgently Needs Blockchain Transformation.

New Forefront, Internet Finance Revitalized with Blockchain Transformation.


The team opens the pre-registration of Starnames for ATOM holders on December 23th at 3PM Paris time.


IRISnet Biweekly Report(2019.11.18–12.1):

  • IRIS Hub is Upgraded to v0.16 with NÜWA Stage is LIVE & DeFi support improved;
  • Unit tests for Cosmos IBC ICS20 and IBC REST API(endpoints) were added;
  • The voting module of Rainbow was improved and the auxiliary function of mnemonic input was added;
  • Users can search HTLC-related transaction information in IRISplorer;
  • IRISnet #5 governance proposal has been passed & 10min DowntimeJailDuration is LIVE;
  • Bitcat has developed a tool to download of IRIS Hub full data and snapshot data;
  • UniCoins beta test for registration & invitation is about to begin;
  • IRISnet was invited to an interview held by X-Order.


How to Earn KAVA Staking Rewards.

Kava REST Server Guide.


It’s time to migrate! Migration to the new LikeCoin (and phasing out LikeCoin ERC-20).

Regen Network:



Stablecoin Startup Terra Expands to Mongolia With Taxi Payment Service: In a press release, Terra announced its stablecoin issuance protocol would act as Mongolian messaging app memeChat’s new financial backbone. That app, which has attracted 50,000 users since its March launch, now features the Terra-backed memePay payment service as well.

The partnership will let users transact with local merchants, drivers and other users’ digital wallets in Terra MNT stablecoins, tied 1:1 with the Mongolian currency (known as the tugrik). Some merchants have already agreed to use the service, including a taxi company and a department store.

Terra and memeChat designed the system to need no additional infrastructure, according to the company. Instead, merchants can settle payments in fiat or stablecoin within the memeChat app.


Weekly Dev Update #21: THORChain Weekly Dev Update for Week 10–16 Dec 2019.

Weekly Dev Update #20 for Week 03–09 Dec 2019.

Risks of the THORChain Project: A concise summary of the risks to execute the THORChain vision.

THORChain closes additional investment: THORChain has closed additional investment from a group of strategic investors.


Lunie (Beta) on iOS and Android: Lunie Mobile, now available in app stores near you.

Read more: E-money’s currency-backed tokens to be supported on Open Market.

Unicoins test model is now online:

Chorus One:

25 Crypto Mega Theses with Multicoin’s Kyle Samani: Multicoin Capital is one of the best known crypto-focused funds worldwide. The team subscribes to three major theses in the space: open finance, Web3, and stateless currencies. In this episode Brendan is joined by Kyle Samani from Multicoin to dive into how Kyle sees the future for the crypto space play out.

The interview goes into the role of centralized exchanges and implications for the ecosystem, starting with taking a look at Binance’s approach that Multicoin has dubbed “blitzscaling”. Brendan and Kyle further explore networked liquidity and the DeFi ecosystem discussing who might dominate in the space of protocols, aggregators and robo-advisors if non-crypto players with better distribution channels join the space.

During the second part of the podcast, Kyle and Brendan dive into Multicoin investments like Torus and Solana and the role that Kyle sees these projects playing in advancing crypto adoption. Finally, Kyle shares his views on a multi-chain environment and the two discuss shared security approaches and associated challenges.

24 NEAR: Sharding Economics and Developer Business Models with Illia Polosukhin: In this episode Felix is joined by Illia to discuss NEAR’s economic model, its trade-offs and advantages.

NEAR is a sharded blockchain with a unique economic model that seeks to unify gas cost across shards through load balancing. With this model, NEAR is able to significantly improve the user and developer experience for cross-shard applications.

The episode walks through the founding story of NEAR, what dynamic sharding is and how it works and NEAR’s fee model for computation and state storage. Furthermore Illia explains validator selection, incentives and penalties, including NEAR’s plans to incentivize smart contract developers by sharing a part of the generated gas fees.

Built with the Cosmos SDK

Projects that are actively building on the Cosmos ecosystem

Akash Network

Akash is the world’s first super cloud for serverless computing, empowering the architects and builders of the internet with greater access, freedom, and efficiency. Announcement » Infrastructure

Binance Chain

Binance Chain is developed by Binance and its community as the basis for a decentralized exchange. Binance is considered the biggest cryptocurrency exchange in the world in terms of trading volume. Announcement » DEX


e-Money is the leading European provider of currency-backed stablecoins. The stablecoins are interest bearing and protected by an insolvency fund, which makes them unique in today’s market. Infrastructure Enterprise Stablecoin


IOV a universal protocol between blockchains and wallet users, is making it possible to send, receive and exchange any cryptocurrency from a single address of value. Wallet Name Service


IRISnet is designed to be the foundation for next generation distributed business applications. It is a BPoS blockchain, built with Cosmos-SDK, that enables cross-chain interoperability through a unified service model.Announcement » Enterprise


Kava is the world’s first Interledger solutions provider bringing blockchains, wallets, and exchanges the interoperability and liquidity of the Interledger. Announcement » Infrastructure

Lino Network

Lino is a decentralized autonomous content economy to determine its value and incentivize contributors in a more direct and effective manner.Announcement » Social


Loom is a Layer 2 scaling solution for Ethereum that includes a network of DPoS sidechains for highly-scalable games and user-facing DApps.Announcement » Games


Playlist is a project aimed at tokenizing the music industry with their PLAY Protocol. Social

Regen Network

Regen Network is a global community and platform focused on ecological monitoring and regeneration. Announcement » Agriculture


Sentinel Network is a network layer that enables a true p2p and decentralized Applications & Resources marketplace. Announcement » Infrastructure


A price-stable cryptocurrency designed for mass adoption. They are building financial infrastructure for the next generation of decentralized applications.Announcement » Stablecoin Infrastructure


TruStory is a building a social network for experts to identify what information is true and what isn’t in return for tokens. Announcement » Social

Partnerships and team members

Cosmos is hiring! See the latest job openings here.



Reddit discussions:

Binance Set to Launch Cosmos (ATOM) Staking.

People really like the Lunie Browser extension!

Cosmos Hub 3: Successful upgrade.

Cosmos Defeats The Migration Command Bug.

Cosmos vs. Lightning Network.


Why we need an Internet of Blockchains: a guest post for the Computer Weekly Developer Network written by Jack Zampolin in his capacity as director of product at Tendermint Inc.

Social media metrics

Social media activity:

Social media dynamics:

Cosmos community continues to grow. There is a stable increase in the number of subscribers of Cosmos social media channels these weeks.

See also Cosmos forum and Matrix/Riot Chat.

There are also Community-managed Channels. These channels are managed entirely by members of the Cosmos community and do not represent official Cosmos or ICF announcements.


Twitter Cosmos China

Twitter Cosmos Korea

Twitter Cosmos Japan

Cosmos Validator Working Group

There is strong stable growth in the Cosmos community over time. The graph above shows the dynamics of changes in the number of Cosmos Reddit subscribers and Twitter followers. The information is taken from Coingecko.com.

This is not financial advice.

Subscribe to detailed companies’ updates by Paradigm!

Medium. Twitter. Telegram. Reddit.

