DeFi in Ether: ~$28B in DeFi this week, Alpha Homora v2 launches, BNT liquidity mining rewards are live, LRC tokenomics revamped, Enzyme to integrate Chainlink, 0x’s V4 protocol is here, Kyber V3 announced, Dogecoin is now available on Ethereum for DeFi users, and more!

Published in
15 min readFeb 2, 2021


Biweekly update on Ethereum DeFi ecosystem vol.23, 19th January — 2nd February


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Total Value Locked in DeFi

More than $28B in DeFi this week, currently at ~$27.75B, with Maker dominance 17.67%.


Top DeFi Tokens by Market Capitalization

Total Market Cap: $36,708,494,603


DeFi Aggregators


Yearn Finance Newsletter #20:

  • YIP-57: Funding Yearn’s Future Voting is Live: A key Yearn Improvement Proposal (YIP) regarding minting an additional 6,666 YFI is now live on Snapshot. This proposal would use 1/3rd of the minted YFI and vest to current contributors. The remaining portion would be sent to Yearn’s Treasury and reserved for future contributors, liquidity mining programs, staking rewards, mergers & acquisitions, and cross-protocol incentives within the Yearn ecosystem. Voting ends February 2nd at 6pm UTC. You can read the full description of this YIP and vote now using this link.
  • Relaunch of the v1 WETH yVault. This vault has been improved in order to accommodate the high demand that the initial v1 WETH yVault experienced. ETH deposited into this vault is sent to MakerDAO, mints DAI, and earns CRV by depositing into the 3pool on You can deposit to this newly launched yVault here.
  • Thirteen New yVaults are Live. Included are the previously experimental Curve stETH yVault, a new v2 WBTC yVault, and 11 other new Curve pool yVaults. As a reminder, the stETH yVault farms CRV and LDO from the stETH/ETH pool on The new WBTC yVault has been deployed and will soon launch its first strategy, farming on Idle.Finance. Finally, the 11 new Curve pool vaults all accept Curve LP token deposits and use those to harvest and sell CRV for more of the underlying tokens. You can see all of these vaults in our UI here.
  • ASSY Index is Live. PowerPool recently voted on a new PowerIndex, ASSY, which consists of staked AAVE, SNX, SUSHI, & YFI. This new index has been launched and you can now deposit funds and gain exposure to these four assets via their index. You can deposit into the ASSY index here.
  • Discussion on Administration over Minting Keys. A new discussion is on our governance forum that explores different options on what to do with the YFI minting keys. A few options include, (1) burning the minting keys, (2) lock the minting function for a predetermined period of time, or (3) establish a clearly defined and more stringent consensus requirement to mint additional YFI. No vote is live regarding this potential YIP as it is merely in the discussion phase. You can read the governance post and join the discussion here.
  • Next AMA Scheduled (February 3rd at 4pm UTC)
  • You can read the weekly partnership roundup discussing updates involving partners in the Yearn ecosystem here.
  • You can read the most recent bi-weekly governance roundup discussing potential YIPs or ones actively being voted upon here.
  • Ecosystem News

Latest YFI Pulse is here:




Compound Labs at ETHDenver, WalletConnect Support, Vesper Beta Launch, Developer Community Call Recap:

  • Compound Labs is to again be sponsoring the upcoming ETHDenver Conference, which will be held on Thursday, February 4th through Friday, February 12, 2021.
  • With help from DeFi community members @transmissions11 and @mikedemarais, Compound Labs (finally) added support for Wallet Connect on the interface.
  • Vesper, a protocol for a yield strategy and aggregation, integrated Compound into its vDAI and vWBTC liquidity pools. The team recently deployed the vDAI test pool to public beta, and migrated the vWBTC pool from public beta to production. Both of these pools supply the underlying asset directly to Compound to earn interest, and in future, pools can be modified with more advanced yield strategies based on user risk preferences. In order to ensure the security of user funds, Vesper pools start in private testing, then move to public beta at and then to production at
  • The Compound community held a Developer Community Call last Wednesday to discuss ongoing protocol and application development. You can listen to an audio recording of the call here or on your favorite podcast platform.
  • There have been no new governance votes since the last newsletter.
  • SkewAnalytics released a DeFi lending dashboard with data on interest rate protocols like Compound.
  • Opium Finance launched collateralized debt obligation products (CDOs) that offer risk tranching for cDAI.
  • O3 Wallet integrated Compound’s interest rate markets, which users can access through the discovery browser.
  • ARCx launched a yield farming program that uses cUSDC as a supported asset.



Derivatives, Swaps and Prediction Markets


  • dYdX — 2020 in Review: dYdX had a monster year of growth in 2020 and in this blog post they recap it all from trading growth on the platform to new team members joining.
  • dYdX Raises $10 Million: dYdX has raised a $10M Series B round led by Three Arrows Capital and DeFiance Capital with participation from Wintermute, Hashed, GSR, SCP, Scalar Capital, Spartan Group, and RockTree Capital.
  • dYdX’s insane growth


  • $10,000,000,000 are now stored using Gnosis Safe:
  • GnosisDAO DEX community call (February 2nd, 3:00 PM GMT):

Set Protocol:

Securities, Insurance and NFTs

Nexus Mutual:

Liquidity Relays

0x project:

What are the primary benefits of 0x v4?

It is the most gas-efficient DEX protocol. 0x users should expect more competitive liquidity from professional market makers (up to 70% gas savings for RFQ liquidity, 10% for limit orders). In addition to that, it is cheaper to trade on both Uniswap and Sushiswap using 0x v4 than it is natively on those platforms.

It is DeFi native. Apart from its industry-leading smart order routing algorithm, 0x v4 enables DeFi legos (e.g. borrowing, debt repayment, provide liquidity, etc.) to be injected natively into the context of a trade. The only transformer deployed right now is a simple ETH wrapper/unwrapper, but there is no shortage of DeFi legos that can be implemented with the same pattern. For example, it could be possible to provide liquidity into a pool with any arbitrary token, swap liquidity pool tokens, or swap your collateral on Compound or Aave on the fly.

It offers plug&play liquidity. V4 allows custom on-chain liquidity pools to be plugged in via a standard interface before being automatically aggregated with all other liquidity sources. Whether you’re a market maker with a proprietary on-chain strategy or a developer building the next-gen public AMM, V4 can support your use case out of the box.

It is automatically upgradable. Thanks to this new architecture and to the 0x governance process, the protocol will be able to iterate more quickly based on what the market needs, without having to wait for the ‘next 0x version’. ZRX holders should expect more ZEIPs and governance votes on specific features in the months to come.



  • Bringing Bancor to Polkadot: the work is underway on a cross-chain bridge that would allow Bancor to expand its decentralized liquidity protocol to Polkadot. The implementation could eventually give users the ability to create pools, provide liquidity and perform trustless cross-chain swaps on Bancor between Polkadot and ERC20 tokens.
  • Bancor just released a new guide on how to participate in its BNT liquidity mining campaign. Bancor’s single-sided liquidity pools allow users to easily stake BNT rewards without needing to stake tokens on the other side of a pool. This creates a positive feedback loop that incentivizes users to turn rewards into productive capital while increasing protocol liquidity.


  • Kyber V3 announced: A major revamp is coming to Kyber Network with a host of new features being planned — all of that is detailed in this new blog post.



Payments Networks


Check out the latest Raiden Weekly. Update 154 covers:

  • Overview of useful Raiden resources for people new to Raiden
  • Continued progress towards the Bespin release for the Python Client
  • Work on getting the Light Client ready for mainnet release


Privacy protocols for DeFi

Ren protocol:

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This is not financial advice.

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