Tezos: ⁠Largest Private Investment Bank In Latin America Issues Real Estate Tokens On Tezos, Personnel Updates for the New Tezos Foundation Structure, New Partnership Allows To Buy Tezos From 10,000 Convenience Stores in France

Published in
12 min readMay 25, 2020

Biweekly update 11th May — 25th May

Hello, and welcome to our report on Tezos! Here You can find major news&releases that appeared within Tezos Ecosystem during the past two weeks. The Foundation, grantees, operational entities and core teams are working in a decentralized, but a remarkably coherent way. So let’s recall some of the significant updates. Blockmatics released the first half of its free SmartPy developer training course. TezosGigaNode that was introduced a couple of weeks ago, shows incredible results. In their latest weekly report, they shared that there were 14 000 000+ requests, 1700+ unique connections, and 150 GiB in traffic volumes. Next, DaiLambda published new updates of the Plebeia project, Merkle Patricia tree in OCaml for Tezos blockchain, highlighting optimized storage size down to 80% since the last version, using its refactored path conversion scheme and hash-consing.

Moreover, Claude Barde is currently working on a simple interface that allows people to create FA1.2 tokens and play around with them on the Tezos blockchain with the goal of helping people better understand how they work. Tulip Tools announced that a new version of TPlus would be coming soon and released a teaser video. Apart from that, Obsidian Systems released v0.8.1 of Kiln, which includes recent updates to the node and mempool.

Essential progress was made regarding the Tezos partnership and integration activity. Nomadic Labs partnered with crypto startup Digycode to allow users to purchase Tezos prepaid cards in over 10,000 French retail shops. Digycode’s co-founder Christopher Villegas described Tezos as “one of the most promising” crypto projects, adding that the listing followed several months of consideration. BTG Pactual announced that it has officially issued its ReitBZ token on the Tezos blockchain, executing the firm’s July statement that it would use Tezos for future digital asset offerings. This is the first non-Ethereum issuance of the Brazilian real estate-backed token, a principal validation of the Tezos protocol’s suitability for high-value digital asset applications.

Bitcoin Suisse announced that it has added support for XTZ storage, including the ability to delegate in its audited Bitcoin Suisse Vault.

It is also important to say that the Tezos Foundation is undergoing specific changes. Its quarterly Council meeting brought up the discussion about its mission to foster the growth and evolution of the Tezos project and ecosystem and finalize personnel updates following the changes to the Foundation’s governance structure announced in March. As You may remember, in the Foundation Council, it was previously announced that the current Tezos Foundation President, Ryan Jesperson, is not seeking re-election and will no longer serve on the Executive Committee. Check the update below to find out more!

The community side of Tezos is amazingly vivid. There is a significant increase in the number of subscribers in social networks and participants in chats. By the way, don’t miss Nomadic Labs hosting its second AMA on Tezos Core Development tomorrow and Tezos Ukraine organizing an online meetup on May 27 to discuss its development strategy. TezTalks released its second episode, a deep dive into STOs, and its third episode, a conversation with Vertalo Founder & CEO Dave Hendricks and CTO William Baxter. Besides, TQ Tezos’ Jacob Arluck and Nomadic Labs’ Marc Beunardeau and Marco Stronati discussed the recent Sapling integration and broader Tezos project on the Zero Knowledge Podcast. What’s more, Tezos Foundation caught up with camlCase founder Tyler Clark to discuss the camlCase team’s work on DEXter and their newly-renamed mobile wallet, Magma (formerly Phoenix), why they chose Tezos, and what he looks forward to in the ecosystem.

There is still a lot to mention, so read the update below to stay informed! See You in two weeks!

Bake your Tezzies with us — tezocracy.com


Gitlab metrics

For detailed GitLab developer activity click here.

Developer activity (from Coinlib.io)
Source: Tezos Agora
  • TezosGigaNode Weekly Report — On this week they served:
  1. 14 000 000+ requests (2 mil per day on average);
  2. 1700+ unique connections;
  3. 150 GiB in traffic volumes;
  4. with 97.67 ms response time on average.

TezosGigaNode is actively used by Galleon, Kukai, Thanos, Trust Wallet, Tezzet wallets.

This article is also available as part of Tezos Name Service publication on Medium. In this article they have explored ideas for possible structures to be used with examples of existing projects using them — projects that live both on and off-chain. Then they touched on the problem of name scarcity and discussed how hierarchical systems can be useful for introducing different naming schemes living under one system.

Here are the updates since the last article:

  1. Optimized the storage size down to 80% since the last version, using its refactored path conversion scheme and hash-consing.
  2. Less than 70% of the current Tezos storage size by Irmin2.

The code of Plebeia is available in GitLab. Plebeia integrated Tezos node is also available.

  • A new and improved version of Tplus is ready soon! A sneak peak of what is to come can be found via the link.
  • A use case for oracles on Tezos: calling external contracts with Ligo — Learn how inter-contract invocations work in Ligo. “Oracles” is a buzzword these days in the cryptoverse. Following different attacks on Ethereum platforms involving problems with their oracles (think about what happened with MakerDAO during “Black Thursday” in March), there has been a lot of thinking around how oracles work and how to use them. They are going to explore what oracles are and most importantly, how you can use them when writing smart contracts with Ligo. At the end of the article, you will have a good understanding of what oracles are and how to communicate with one from your smart contract.
  • As announced earlier, Claude Barde is working on a simple interface that allows people to create FA1.2 tokens and play around with them on the Tezos blockchain. Its goal is to help people better understand how they work. It will be done very soon and deployed to Carthagenet.

He also decided to get more seriously into Michelson and write a beginner-friendly tutorial about it (that’s his first simple contract from scratch).

[Ecosystem Updates]

TTezos Foundation nearing the completion of the latest round of ecosystem grants. All applicants have been informed of final decisions on their grant proposals and they will announce all grants in this cohort once agreements are finalized.

  1. The Automotive Solution Center for Simulation e.V. published the first results of the ENVITED ecosystem work group in a Tezos Deep Dive Deck.
  2. Madfish Solutions published an article explaining how to delegate XTZ in the Thanos Wallet.
  3. Obsidian Systems released v0.8.1 of Kiln, which includes recent updates to the node and mempool.
  4. Tezos Nodes published a short guide on how to choose the most reliable Tezos baker for delegation on Tezos-nodes.com.
  5. TQ Tezos’ Jacob Arluck and Nomadic Labs’ Marc Beunardeau and Marco Stronati discussed the recent Sapling integration and broader Tezos project on the Zero Knowledge Podcast.

Social Encounters

Since the team’s knowledge of Ecclesia was greater than the team’s knowledge of Tezos, the development process was focused on Ecclesia, which implementation-wise wouldn’t change. At the same time, the things that could change as the team’s knowledge grew over the project (e.g. the interface to the Tezos network) were kept decoupled and flexible, so they can be easily substituted in next phases. This approach facilitated productivity and the opportunity to learn the outlined lessons.

Upcoming events

According to the recent Tezos Community Update, Tezos Commons is canceling community events except for third-party and remote sponsorship for May because of COVID-19. TQ Tezos has announced that TQuorum Paris will be rescheduled, follow TQ Tezos on Twitter for future updates.


The information is taken from TzStats
The information is taken from Tezos.ID
The information is taken from Tezos.ID
The information is taken from Tezos.ID

XTZ holders who wish to safely custody their assets and earn staking rewards can now do so with the security of an institutional-grade crypto custody provider, already trusted with over $1 billion in assets.

Partnerships and team members

  • Banco BTG Pactual is issuing its security tokens representing an investment in real estate on the Tezos blockchain. Previously, the bank had issued its ReitBZ tokens on the Ethereum blockchain, raising $10 million in Ether and Gemini Dollars. Andre Portillo, head of digital assets at BTG Pactual, told Cointelegraph that $5 million worth of ReitBZ will be switched to Tezos, including the $2.5 million new raise that was conducted in fiat. The reason behind this diversification is that the bank wants to have its options open, as there is no way of telling which blockchain will prevail in the long run:

“We don’t want to be tied to just one blockchain. Because clearly I cannot tell which blockchain blockchain will prevail. <…> We want to have other options, other blockchains that might serve better the pieces of tokenization and issuing tokens that represent real assets.”

The Tezos Foundation recently held its quarterly Council meeting to discuss the progress of its mission to foster the growth and evolution of the Tezos project and ecosystem and finalize personnel updates following the changes to the Foundation’s governance structure announced in March. On the Foundation Council, as previously announced, current Tezos Foundation President, Ryan Jesperson, is not seeking re-election and will no longer serve on the Executive Committee. Current Council members Ryan Lackey and Michel Mauny are also stepping down, though they will continue to be involved in the Tezos project. Ryan Lackey will stay on as an advisor, though not a member of the Executive Committee, and Michel is focusing on his role as the new President of Nomadic Labs, a team focused on the development of the Tezos core software.

Read more about the changes in the article via the link above!

  • You Can Now Buy Tezos From 10,000 Convenience Stores in France — French consumers can now buy Tezos from 10,000 mini-marts, tobacco stores and gas stations using prepaid coupons or cards. French crypto startup Digycode has introduced support for Tezos purchases through its prepaid vouchers and gift cards. The integration is the product of a partnership between Digycode and the research and development team from Nomadic Labs — which contribute to maintaining Tezos’s core code. Digycode’s co-founder Christopher Villegas described Tezos as “one of the most promising” crypto projects, adding that the listing followed several months of consideration.


  • There is NO Tezos Airdrop. They are all scammers who direct message you asking for money.


  1. TezosGroup — Fake
  2. Tezoschannel — Fake
  3. Tezos Platform Bot — Fake

Please report these and join @tezosplatform if you have questions.

Social media metrics

Social media activity
Social media dynamics
Social media dynamics

Tezos community continues to grow. There is a constant increase in the number of subscribers of Tezos social media channels.

There is also Tezos Riot chat and YouTube channel.

The graph above shows the dynamics of changes in the number of Tezos Facebook likes, Reddit subscribers and Twitter followers. The information is taken from Coingecko.com.

The Tezos Foundation is committed to supporting organizations that contribute to the growth of the Tezos community and ecosystem. They are especially interested in supporting regional organizations and university-based groups focused on Tezos and the larger blockchain ecosystem.

Check out some of the community organizations that compose the Tezos ecosystem:

Learn about key operational entities

Recent Paradigm Fund updates on tezos:

Bake your Tezzies with us — tezocracy.com

This is not financial advice.

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