Polkadot: Bifrost won the latest Polkadot parachain slot auction, Listen Network and Bajun Network won Kusama’s auctions, Kabocha is in the lead, Nomination pools are live on Kusama, Parity and Klaytn will work to build Klaytn-Substrate, Polkadot Relayers 2022 introduced, Manta’s Dolphin V2 testnet is live, EVM compatible Humanode testnet v3 is here, Phala’s SubBridge app has launched, Equilibrium Whitepaper is out, 3 years since Chainlink mainnet, and more!

Published in
17 min readJun 2, 2022

Biweekly update on the Polkadot ecosystem vol. 38, 19th May — 2nd June


  • Congratulations to Bifrost on winning Polkadot’s 18th parachain auction! Bifrost is providing decentralized cross-chain liquidity for staked assets, and it will be onboarded at the beginning of lease 8.
  • The next parachain slot auction will begin on Sunday, 5 June, at block #10_609_600.
  • Polkadot 0.9.23 has been released with low upgrade priority.
  • Referendum 62, opening the first HRMP channels between Statemint and Acala, Equilibrium, Moonbeam, Astar, and Parallel has passed and executed.
  • After winning Kusama’s 34th auction, Bajun will be onboarded as Kusama’s 36th parachain [plus Statemine & Encointer].
  • Listen will be onboarded as my 35th parachain. Kusama community is excited for Listen to bring its voice-only social network based on blockchain & decentralized storage tech to the Kusama ecosystem.
  • With 3 days until the end of the current parachain slot auction, Kabocha has been in the lead the entire Ending Period.
  • With 3 days left to vote, Referendum 204, proposing to open an HRMP channel between Shiden and Statemine, is passing by a wide margin.
  • With the release of runtime v0.9.22, nomination pools have been added to the Kusama runtime.
  • Parity and Klaytn will work together to build a Substrate-based Klaytn chain, Klaytn-Substrate.
  • After months of hard work, Manta announced the launch of testnet v2, which brings even more privacy features to the Polkadot ecosystem.
  • New HRMP channels have been opened between Crab Parachain and Karura, which will allow the movement of the KAR, and CRAB tokens between chains, meanwhile bringing the substrate <> substrate bridge ability to Karura Network. Darwinia announced cooperation with Unique Network.
  • Kintsugi launched their own Bitcoin bridge — the first trustless Bitcoin bridge on Kusama. The proposal to Open XCM channel between Kintsugi and Heiko has been executed.
  • LI.FI now supports Moonbeam. DeviantArt is coming to Moonbeam & Moonriver networks to help safeguard creators with art and NFT image protection. XCM integrations with Heiko and Crust Shadow are live on Moonriver.
  • Zenlink Hybrid AMM is now live on Moonriver and the 1st 4pool on Dotsama is here.
  • Parallel x Moonriver XCM integration is live.
  • XCM transfer is now on Astar. Unstake your DOT now to be ready for DOT Festival. Nomination Transfer went live on Astar. AstridDAO has partnered with Microsoft.
  • Celer Network announced the successful implementation of Celer cBridge on SX Network. Also, Celer has partnered up with Meta Apes, a free-to-play, play-and-earn mobile MMO strategy game.
  • Composable Finance and Picasso to integrate aUSD as the default stablecoin for the Polkadot and Kusama parachains. Polkadex integrates aUSD as the default stablecoin for its Polkadot parachain.
  • Composable’s Unchained event, an inaugural conference bringing together DeFi builders and cross-ecosystem innovation, has been announced.
  • EVM compatible Humanode Testnet v3 has just been launched. Humanode Hackathon “Hack The Sybil!’’ is live. Humanode Conference videos are out.
  • Equilibrium Whitepaper explains how Equilibrium, a cross-chain smart dApp, is shaping DeFi 2.0 with its unified DeFi multipool. Check out the launch roadmap status update in the recent report.
  • SubBridge App has launched. Phala has accomplished interoperability between Ethereum, Karura, Moonriver, and Khala Network.
  • Crust Network reaches ‘1,000,000 valid files’ milestone. Crust’s CSM Token is live on Moonriver as xcCSM & MOVR live on Crust Shadow.
  • Dock Wallet APP V2 has been launched a few days ago. Don’t know what Decentralized Identity is and how they work on Blockchain? Dock has brought the free course for you.
  • OceanONDA V4 is coming on the 8th of June to kick-start the new data economy.
  • CLV announced that DIA has participated in its journey as a strategic partner. Cougarswap has Integrated CLV.
  • Bitcoin Suisse integrates Centrifuge into Vault, bridging real-world assets into DeFi. Flowcarbon announced its collaboration with the Centrifuge protocol.
  • Do you really understand the consensus mechanism of ChainX? Read the freshly-published article in their blog and learn together.
  • Edgeware’s financial working group shares their EDG analysis of the past weeks. That includes the EDG performance and technical analysis, comparative analysis, and treasury spending.
  • Ecosystem updates for SORA are out. The first SORA builder Ceres Token is working on a P2e game for the SORA network.
  • StaFi Protocol monthly update is out.
  • Ternoa is partnering with Subsocial. Subsocial’s website has been completely redone.
  • A brief history of Rococo and an update on how it’s going.
  • In association with Tribe, Polkadot Relayers 2022 is a program bringing together developers and entrepreneurs to create a conducive and engaging platform for innovative ideas to come to life. Apply Now.
  • Missed Polkadot talks from Davos this year? Check out the playlist to hear from Polkadot founder Gavin Wood and projects in the Polkadot ecosystem on all things web3, multichain, identity, metaverse, and more.
  • Watch Dr. Gavin Wood’s talk with Frank McCourt and Andy Serwer on the topic “What Will It Take To Build A Better Web?”
  • Interested in developing your Polkadot developer skills? Join the online hackathon by amsterdot by June 20.
  • Join the first-ever Polkadot Hacker House in New York City, from June 23rd.
  • Tickets are on sale now for DotSama Prague.
  • Registration is live for Polkadot Decoded 2022. Choose from five locations around the world, including Berlin, New York, Buenos Aires, Shanghai, and Mexico City, and join the biggest Polkadot event of the year.
  • And more!

Latest Polkadot News

  • Klaytn Building Metaverse Platform On Substrate in Collaboration with Parity: Parity and Klaytn will work together to build a Substrate-based Klaytn chain, Klaytn-Substrate. Klaytn-Substrate will initially serve as an alternate implementation of the Klaytn specification and as a sidechain to Klaytn’s main chain. Klaytn-Substrate will be bridged to Polkadot and to the Klaytn mainnet to act as an intermediary environment where collaborative technological, business case, and community initiatives can combine in interesting and synergetic ways.
  • Polkadot 0.9.23 has been released with low upgrade priority.
  • Referendum 62, opening the first HRMP channels between Statemint and Acala, Equilibrium, Moonbeam, Astar, and Parallel has passed and executed.
  • Motion 208, proposing to upgrade Polkadot relay chain to runtime v9220, has passed the Council.
  • Motion 206, funding a Treasury Proposal for an educational series on Polkadot at AIBC Americas Summit, has been approved by the Polkadot Council.
  • Motion 207, funding a Treasury Proposal for the International Blockchain Congress 2022, has been approved by the Polkadot Council.
  • Polkadot’s parachain auction schedule has been decided for the rest of the year after Motion 158 was passed. Find the new schedule here.

Slot Auction Progress:

Web3 Foundation

  • Owning wallets and keys can be intimidating for new blockchain users. W3F is looking to fund the development of a social recovery wallet for Polkadot, allowing users to recover their accounts if their key or other authentication mechanism has been lost.


  • With three days until the end of the current parachain slot auction, Kabocha has been in the lead the entire Ending Period.
  • With three days left to vote, Referendum 204, proposing to open an HRMP channel between Shiden and Statemine, is passing by a wide margin.
  • Nomination Pools are Live on Kusama: With the release of runtime v0.9.22, nomination pools have been added to the Kusama runtime. As per usual, Kusama is receiving this update first before Polkadot.

Slot Auction Progress:

Awareness and Events

  • You can watch Dr. Gavin Wood’s talk with Frank McCourt and Andy Serwer on the topic “What Will It Take To Build A Better Web?” here:
  • Missed Polkadot talks from Davos this year? Check out the playlist to hear from Polkadot founder Gavin Wood and projects in the Polkadot ecosystem on all things web3, multichain, identity, metaverse, and more:
  • Interested in developing your Polkadot developer skills? Join the online hackathon by amsterdot by June 20th and take your chance to win from a prize pool of $330k+, and get a chance to present at this year’s Polkadot Decoded.
  • Polkadot Relayers 2022: In association with Tribe, Polkadot Relayers 2022 is a program bringing together developers and entrepreneurs to create a conducive and engaging platform for innovative ideas to come to life. Apply Now.
  • Registration is live for Polkadot Decoded 2022! Choose from five locations around the world, including Berlin, New York, Buenos Aires, Shanghai, and Mexico City, and join the biggest Polkadot event of the year.
  • 6-week virtual hackathon from Polkadot and AngelHack is here:
  • Today, June 2 at 8pm CEST, join the Polkadot Hackathon workshop by Bifrost for a deep dive into their tech, as well as to learn about building a project in the Polkadot ecosystem.
  • Join Monthly Polkadot AMA today:
  • Parity is looking for a number of Engineers who are interested in subjects such as Web3, Rust, Polkadot or Substrate to join Polkadot founder Dr. Gavin Wood, as well as lead engineers on the Polkadot and Web3 Foundation teams at the Corpus Christi College facilities in Cambridge this Summer. From July 11th they are going to run a 4-week, in-person course on all things Rust, Substrate, Polkadot and Parity. We will cover your costs and will deliver a classroom-based curriculum.


Polkadot markets (information from Coingecko)

Polkadot Ecosystem Market Cap (information from Dotmarketcap)

Ecosystem Updates



Bifrost has developed an EOS network bridge that enables trustless cross-chain asset transfer by implementing on-chain light nodes with merkle tree verification.

  • Bifrost 2022 May Monthly Report
  • Instead of waiting for a single transaction from pending to success, Bifrost users can now initiate multiple transactions at the same time. In the case of BNC Staking, you will see the status of each transaction in the top right corner after successive staking.
  • KAR, MOVR, SDN, and PHA airdrops have all ended. The last round of Raindrop for BNC has started. Any address that participated in the first round of Kusama Crowdloan or vKSM minting should not miss it.
  • Subscan supports BNC Collator and Staking data. Check the relevant data here for reference. 3 Million BNC have been successfully staked now. If you hold it, just participate in the Staking to earn up to 30% rewards.
  • BNC holders can now access Bifrost chain analytics, account information, and staking intel at StakeBNC, a platform launched by StakeBaby.
  • StakeBNC.com — Staking, Analytics, and Personal Account Dashboard Launched by StakeBaby


The ChainBridge allows Centrifuge to move fungible and NFTs between chains, enabling the financing of real-world assets in a variety of DeFi products.

  • Bitcoin Suisse integrates Centrifuge into Vault, bridging real-world assets into DeFi. Details.
  • Pools, Tranches, and Tokens. How do these all come together on Centrifuge to link DeFi with the real world? Read this week’s product update to find out.
  • Flowcarbon announced its collaboration with the Centrifuge protocol, which will unlock the debt markets for carbon project developers.


ChainX, a crypto assets gateway, is planning bridges to several networks and has implemented a BTC to Substrate bridge.


Interlay is building a trustless bridge from Bitcoin to Polkadot.

  • Sticking methodically to the roadmap, Kintsugi launched their own Bitcoin bridge — the first trustless Bitcoin bridge on Kusama.
  • Kintsugi — The First 60 Days of Decentralized Bitcoin: “A Tale of market crashes and a resilient BTC bridging protocol”.
  • The proposal to Open XCM channel between Kintsugi and Heiko has been executed.
  • Calling Third Party INTR Contributors. You can officially start your claim process here (if you contributed through Parallel Finance, Equilibrium or Bifrost).

Smart Contracts

CLV (Previously Clover)



  • XCM integrations with Heiko and Crust Shadow are live on Moonriver
  • In case you missed it: LI.FI now supports Moonbeam. It is a cross-chain bridge aggregation protocol that supports any-2-any swaps. Users can swap any token from a variety of supported chains to any token available on Moonbeam. Details.
  • DeviantArt is coming to Moonbeam & Moonriver networks to help safeguard creators with art and NFT image protection. Learn more about how DeviantArt utilizes cutting-edge tech to index & protect art in Web3.
  • If you failed to be named Moonriver Champion in Quest 2 (or missed the quest and wish to win Quest 2 NFT), it is not too late to earn a seat at the table. Read the next chapter of the Moonriver Quest.
  • On Friday, May 27, 2022, Moonriver and Moonbeam both received urgent upgrades through runtimes 1503 and 1504 in order to resolve a security issue that was responsibly disclosed by an independent white-hat hacker earlier that morning (ET). The issue has been resolved and the vulnerability is no longer exploitable on either network. The initial indication is that the bug was never exploited, though the team will continue to investigate.


Astar Network (previously Plasm Network)




Composable Finance


Parallel Finance



Ocean Protocol






  • EVM compatible Humanode Testnet v3 — Ramiel has just been launched with human nodes from the Core team. The team will be launching the submission form this week.
  • Humanode Hackathon “Hack The Sybil!’’ is live. It will be hosted on DoraHacks from June 2nd to June 15th.
  • The first-ever Humanode Conference took place on Gather on May 30 & June 1, with two days of keynotes, lectures, seminars, games, conversations, and a whole lot of fun, focusing on the upcoming launch of Humanode mainnet, the project’s vision, partnerships, technology, and growing as a community.
  • Humanode Conference videos are out: Day 1, Day 2.



  • A brief history of Rococo and an update on how it’s going:
  • Blockchain notification service Web3alert is now live for Polkadot & Kusama. It listens for events on blockchain and whenever the event you are interested in happens, it sends you a message into Telegram, Discord or Webhooks.

Social Media Metrics

Social media activity:

The graph above shows the dynamics of changes in the number of Polkadot Twitter followers and Reddit subscribers. The information is taken from Coingecko.com

Polkadot Social Channels:








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