State of Stake vol. 74

Published in
14 min readSep 6, 2022

Paradigm’s biweekly update on the Proof-of-Stake ecosystem, 23rd August — 6th September


  • The Bellatrix upgrade just happened on the Ethereum Beacon Chain. Next is the Ethereum Merge
  • Vitalik’s Proof of Stake book, pre-order signed digital copy & non-transferable NFT
  • Sub0, the Polkadot Developer Conference, comes to Lisbon in November
  • Polkadot introduced Unbounded, the first open-source, freely available and on-chain funded font in the world
  • Aventus has won the most recent Polkadot parachain lease auction. SNOW Network won Kusama parachain slot
  • Solana is adding Move support. Crypto custody firm Fireblocks adds support for Solana
  • Applications are open for the Interchain Developer Academy
  • Avalanche node operators: check Discord and upgrade your nodes to 1.8.0
  • BNB Boost is live on CoinMarketCap. Explore liquid staking on BNB Chain to get the very best out of your BNB
  • Tezos Kathmandu upgrade is in the final voting phase. Kathmandu builds on the theme for the previous Tezos upgrade, which is scalability
  • The next evolution of IMX staking: Staking rewards are live
  • FIFAPlusCollect powered by Algorand will launch later this month, providing football fans around the world with an opportunity to own the greatest game moments from FIFA World Cup and FIFAWWC
  • Robinhood launches deposits and withdrawals for MATIC on the Polygon Network
  • Synthetix just released a comprehensive guide to the SNX ecosystem on Optimism
  • Internet Computer Updates: Global R&D meeting, INTERSTEL LAR Summit, BTC testnet Dapp tutorial
  • The Secret Agency has been announced. The Shockwave Delta mainnet upgrade is now scheduled for September 20
  • Dock DIDs now support more the one key. Keys can be given different capabilities using Verification Relationships.
  • Elrond’s Web3 Culture Hub is live
  • FIL can now be held securely in one of the most popular cold storage solutions in web3 — Ledger
  • KyberSwap $256k frontend exploit from two victims, malicious code in Google Tag Manager script
  • Injective Pro is rapidly expanding its overall vision and capabilities to become Helix
  • The Migration Infrastructure Providers (MIPs) Program will help bootstrap The Graph Network to support multi-chain, with 0.75% of GRT supply being allocated to participants
  • Persistence announced a partnership with Axelar
  • The rDEX V2 mainnet is now live
  • Oasis Q3 & Q4 2022 roadmap released
  • The Gnosis Beacon Chain merge is scheduled to happen after the ETH merge to ensure a seamless and safe transition. The new Gnosis Chain Documentation site is live
  • Kava 11 Liquid Staking testnet has successfully launched. Kava 11 Mainnet moved to early October to accommodate for multiple Tier-1 protocol deployments
  • Join the biggest NEAR event of the year at NEARCON in Lisbon, Portugal from September 11–14
  • Celo Camp Batch Six applications are open now
  • Just over 2 months until the Cardano Summit 2022
  • And much more!

Top 10 Crypto Assets by Staked Value

Source: Staking Rewards

Proof-of-Stake Networks’ Updates


PoW switch off (the Merge)

Execution layer

  • The latest core devs call video. Notes from Christine Kim
  • KZG ceremony call video: plan to introduce at Devcon with a single contribution, public contributions to hopefully start November/December.

Proof of Stake consensus layer

Check out our recently-published ‘Defi in Ether’ — biweekly update on Ethereum DeFi ecosystem vol.59 full of news from the ecosystem: $34 in DeFi, Compound v3 is live, KyberSwap integrates Chainlink Price Feeds, Loopring Layer 2 ETH staking has arrived, dYdX V4 milestones, Dai bridge live on Arbitrum Nova, 1inch integrates with Aurora, Alexey Pertsev pre-trial detention extended by up to 90 days, Yearn rebranded, and more!


Feel free to read our latest biweekly report on the Polkadot ecosystem vol.44: Kylin has won the latest parachain lease auction, SubsocialX has been in the lead the entire ending period, DOT staking is now available at BinanceUS, Bifrost partners with Blockdaemon, KILT announced its plans to move the blockchain to Polkadot, Moonbeam’s Connected Contracts Hackathon is now open to submissions, Crust Network partners with Integritee Network, Humanode Public Sale updates are out, and more!



Binance (BNB Chain)


Cosmos Network






Akash Network


- The Ethereum Merge Proposals

- BNT Burn Proposal

- 450K vBNT Burned in August

- Bancor Simulator Explainer

Band Protocol





The Graph


  • Helix Launches on Injective: Injective Pro is rapidly expanding its overall vision and capabilities to become Helix: The Premier Decentralized Crypto Exchange.
  • Leap Cosmos has integrated the Injective mainnet.

Immutable X



  • Kava 11 Liquid Staking testnet has successfully launched
  • Kava Labs hires its newest Head of Engineering
  • Kava 11 Mainnet moved to early October to accommodate for multiple Tier-1 protocol deployments



Near Protocol

Oasis Network



Secret Network


Gnosis Chain (formerly xDai Chain)



That’s all for today! Your feedback is highly appreciated! Let us know what you think about the format & content.

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