Polkadot: Kylin has won the latest parachain lease auction, SubsocialX has been in the lead the entire ending period, DOT staking is now available at BinanceUS, Bifrost partners with Blockdaemon, KILT announced its plans to move the blockchain to Polkadot, Moonbeam’s Connected Contracts Hackathon is now open to submissions, Crust Network partners with Integritee Network, Humanode Public Sale updates are out, and more!

Published in
14 min readAug 25, 2022

Biweekly update on the Polkadot ecosystem vol. 44, 12th August — 25th August


  • A proposed roadmap for future developments on common good parachains developed by Parity Technologies has been introduced
  • Kylin has won the latest parachain lease auction
  • The next parachain lease auction is scheduled to begin at block 11_819_200 (approximately 17.20 UTC on 29 Aug)
  • Polkadot 0.9.28 has been released with medium priority
  • Referendum 70, proposing to increase the maximum number of HRMP channels from 10 to 30, is currently passing by a wide margin with 2 days left to vote
  • With three and a half days left in the current parachain lease auction, SubsocialX has been in the lead the entire Ending Period so far
  • Referendum 223, proposing to upgrade Statemine to runtime v9270, is passing by a wide margin with only a few hours left to vote
  • Referendum 224, to fix the opening of an HRMP channel between Statemine and Robonomics, is passing unanimously with three days left to vote
  • Referendum 225, proposing to upgrade the Kusama relay chain to runtime v9271, has just started. It is passing unanimously with six days left to vote
  • Bifrost is now supported on Fearless Wallet. Bifrost announced the partnership with Blockdaemon, the leading independent blockchain node infrastructure. Over 200,000 KSM have been successfully staked to Bifrost
  • Darwinia Cross-Chain Fee Market System has been introduced, the innovation for the cross-chain fee system on Dotsama
  • Interlay Ecosystem Update #5 is out. Interlay proposes to open an XCM channel with Astar Network
  • KillSwitch finance is bringing its smart cross-chain yield farming aggregator to CLV. CLV Multichain Wallet now supports .bnb domain
  • Moonbeam’s Connected Contracts Hackathon is now open to submissions. Etherspot, the smart wallet platform, is being integrated into Moonbeam
  • Blockdaemon joins Astar to support builders. Cosmize is preparing to launch the first metaverse built on Astar. Shiden opened a direct line to OAK Network
  • A DNS cache poisoning attack on cBridge’s frontend UI appprox. during 08/17 07:45pm to 10:00 pm UTC caused some users to be redirected to malicious smart contracts that can drain all approved token amount 100% Celer users who revoked phishing contract approvals are compensated, 98% loss is recovered. The Celer community develops and launches Celer IM Scan. The full integration of the Celer IM framework with Rango Exchange is complete. Starfish integrates with cBridge
  • Acala has published the results of tracing on-chain activity after the recent incident that lead to error minting of aUSD. Traces so far have identified 99% of the total error mints
  • Enjin’s First Unreal Engine SDK has been introduced
  • Dock has released a new feature on the mobile Dock Wallet app enabling users to create and manage decentralized identifiers that empower them to fully own and control their data
  • 11 months after securing a parachain slot on Kusama, KILT announced its plans to move the blockchain to Polkadot
  • Crust will participate in the Polkadot Slot Auction 26–32. Crust Network partners with Integritee Network. Crust Network partners with XX Network
  • Oceaners, V3 is winding down. Make sure to remove all your liquidity from Ocean V3 and upgrade your components to OceanONDA V4
  • Developers can now apply to the Chainlink Hacker House at SmartCon 2022
  • Amplitude, the sister network of Pendulum on Kusama, is now live
  • Parallel Governance Proposal Guideline is now available on Polkassembly
  • Humanode Public Sale updates are out. The KYC processing on Tokensoft for the Public sale has been initiated. To make sure that Humanode’s path is aligned with the vision the team has also released a roadmap to highlight the milestones after the mainnet. Humanode Co-founder Victor featured on the Bankless Green Pill Podcast
  • Phala Cloud Computing Tokenomic paper bounty M1 finished. A recap of Phala’s speeches at Polkadot Decoded 2022 Hangzhou is available
  • Zenlink upgraded DEX contracts on Moonriver and Moonbeam and initiate liquidity migration on August 23
  • A weekly newsletter discussing progress updates, events, and governance proposals within the Edgeware ecosystem are out
  • Composable Finance announced the appointment of Eoin Whelan as Chief Financial Officer
  • The SORA Economic Forum starts on the 23rd of September
  • Check the Subwallet’s report on the Polkadot ecosystem growth in the first half of 2022, with sections focused on DeFi, NFT, and Web3
  • Missed August’s Polkadot Community Call? Check out the recordings to hear the latest updates, referenda, and treasury proposals for Polkadot & Kusama, as well as hear from 8 ecosystem teams
  • Why blockchain bridges have inherent security risks, and how Polkadot is changing the way blockchains can communicate with each other. On August 25th, join Web3Talks to learn about a new era of interoperability and how Polkadot’s XCM is becoming a new cross-chain standard
  • DOT staking is now available at BinanceUS
  • And more!

Latest Polkadot News

  • Proposal for Common Good Parachains: ParityTech has been busy developing several new blockchains it plans to propose as common good parachains. As a refresher, Polkadot governance can allocate parachain slots to chains it believes benefit the entire network, bypassing the auction process.
  • Kylin has won the latest parachain lease auction.
  • The next parachain lease auction is scheduled to begin at block 11_819_200 (approximately 17.20 UTC on 29 Aug).
  • Polkadot 0.9.28 has been released with medium priority.
  • Referendum 70, proposing to increase the maximum number of HRMP channels from 10 to 30, is currently passing by a wide margin with 2 days left to vote.

Slot Auction Progress:


  • With three and a half days left in the current parachain lease auction, SubsocialX has been in the lead the entire Ending Period so far.
  • Referendum 223, proposing to upgrade Statemine to runtime v9270, is passing by a wide margin with only a few hours left to vote.
  • Referendum 224, to fix the opening of an HRMP channel between Statemine and Robonomics, is passing unanimously with three days left to vote.
  • Referendum 225, proposing to upgrade the Kusama relay chain to runtime v9271, has just started. It is passing unanimously with six days left to vote.
  • What happened to Kusama in the first 6 months of 2022? Impressive numbers, featuring Moonwell, Karura, Bifrost and RMRK. Check out SubWallet’s Deep Dive report for more details on the entire ecosystem.

Slot Auction Progress:

Awareness and Events

  • Missed August’s Polkadot Community Call? Check out the recordings to hear the latest updates, referenda, and treasury proposals for Polkadot & Kusama, as well as hear from 8 ecosystem teams:
  • “Green Bird’’ is a series of lectures on Polkadot, Kusama, and environmentally friendly projects in the ecosystem, organized by RMTerra & Polkadot ambassadors. Check out the next event to be held in Porto.
  • Web3 Talks: Unlocking True Cross-Chain Interoperability | Aug 25th: Why blockchain bridges have inherent security risks, and how Polkadot is changing the way blockchains can communicate with each other. On August 25th, join Web3Talks to learn about a new era of interoperability and how Polkadot’s XCM is becoming a new cross-chain standard:
  • Last week the Polkadot ecosystem continued building, deploying and growing. Check out some of the announcements from the ecosystem and hear the latest news from the parachain teams, infrastructure providers, and wallets in this week’s Polkadot Roundup
  • Interested in upgrading your Web3 developer skills? Register for Web3athon, a 3-month virtual event for developers & builders sponsored by Polkadot, and get a chance to win from a prize pool of $800k.


  • Polkadot Ecosystem Market Cap (information from Dotmarketcap)
  • Tradable Projects



Bifrost has developed an EOS network bridge that enables trustless cross-chain asset transfer by implementing on-chain light nodes with Merkle tree verification.

  • Bifrost is now supported on Fearless Wallet.
  • Bifrost announced the partnership with Blockdaemon, the leading independent blockchain node infrastructure. They will provide high-quality and stable performance Kusama validators for Bifrost’s first liquid staking derivative vKSM.
  • Over 200,000 $KSM have been successfully staked to Bifrost


The ChainBridge allows Centrifuge to move fungible and NFTs between chains, enabling the financing of real-world assets in a variety of DeFi products.


ChainX, a crypto assets gateway, is planning bridges to several networks and has implemented a BTC to Substrate bridge.




Astar Network (previously Plasm Network)

  • Blockdaemon joins Astar to support builders
  • Astar Network news: Cosmize is preparing to launch the first metaverse built on Astar.
  • Hexa-Farming Campaign launch: 120k token reward promised (consisting of ASTR, AVAT, ASRW, SRS, ATID, and KGL). The first half will be directly distributed to all participants who join the Hexa-Farming Deposit Campaign, and the other half is reserved for all users who participate in the Gleam mission.
  • Shiden opened a direct line to OAK Network. Builders on Shiden can now automate any extrinsic or smart contract function using OAK’s event-driven execution combined with cross-consensus messaging (XCM).




  • Updates on the aUSD Incident — 22 August 2022
  • Acala has published the results of tracing on-chain activity after the recent incident that lead to error minting of aUSD. Traces so far have identified 99% of the total error mints.
  • A bounty of up to 5% will be offered to any party who returns at least 95% of total funds transferred out. Once returned, no further actions will then be taken towards these addresses regarding the funds transferred from Acala to Polkadot.
  • Acala’s community can collectively formulate proposals following each trace report to resolve (mostly by burning) the erroneous minting of aUSD, and then gradually resume paused network operations.

Composable Finance


Parallel Finance



KILT Protocol

  • 11 months after securing a parachain slot on Kusama, KILT announced its plans to move the blockchain to Polkadot. Details.
  • KILT celebrates its 2.000.000th block


  • Public Sale Updates are out.
  • The KYC processing for the Public sale has been initiated.
  • To make sure that Humanode’s path is aligned with the vision the team has also released a roadmap to highlight the milestones after the mainnet. Check it out here.
  • Humanode Dev Updates 30: The Humanode teams shared some bullet points to shine some light on the exciting advancements that they have been working on.
  • The Developers Note
  • Humanode Co-founder Victor featured on the Bankless Green Pill Podcast


- Roll out of Staking Pallet and bi-directional token bridge upcoming

- Moonriver’s integration with Litmus

- Identity Hub will develop the identity quest feature

- Workflow cross-chain data aggregation & ID-graph


  • Check the Subwallet’s report on the Polkadot ecosystem growth in the first half of 2022, with sections focused on DeFi, NFT, and Web3:

Social Media Metrics

Social media activity:

The graph above shows the dynamics of changes in the number of Polkadot Twitter followers and Reddit subscribers. The information is taken from Coingecko.com

Polkadot Social Channels:








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