Tezos: Grants for Block Explorers and Smart Contract Languages, Two New Features for the Node - Snapshots and History Modes, Go Tezos Major Release v1.0.0, LIGO becomes Polyglot, More TezTalks Videos

Published in
13 min readMay 9, 2019

Biweekly update 26th April — 10th May

Since the launch of the Mainnet six months ago, the Tezos community has seen a brand new baking industry emerge, thousands of peers securing the network, the first amendment proposal, etc. During these two weeks, developers were working hard as usual and a lot of news appeared. Go Tezos — a GoLang driven library for your Tezos node released. Nomadic Labs demonstrated ‘snapshotting’ which will enable you to sync a full Tezos node with 1–2 minutes. Tezos Foundation announced they will support grants for Block Explorers and smart contract languages for Tezos Ecosystem. Tezzigator Receives Grant To Expand Cloud HSM Support For Tezos Bakers. Tezos Korea partners with Konkuk University to create a Tezos focused blockchain course for Master degree. They will also open the Tezos focused blockchain course at Samsung Multicampus. Bitcoin Suisse, located in Zug and one of the main crypto providers in Switzerland, plans to offer Tezos baking services to their clients. Brian Guo, an intern at TQ, launched Michelson Execution Engine. This project will assist in separating and modularizing the individual components of the codebase. Bruce Aldrich (DNAG), launched ‘Payman’, a Tezos batch payment tool for bakers using a golang Tezos library. Payman will make it easier for bakers to distribute batch payments to delegations. Gabriel Alfour provided an update on how the LIGO smart contract language for Tezos is becoming more accessible. As for social encounters, we would like to start off by acknowledging Tezos ‘100th’ Cycle, an absolutely incredible feat for the network, the community, and the broad Tezos ecosystem. The community witnessed a great month for April with events across the globe including a couple of inaugural events for new regions that boasted better than expected attendance. Tezos Boston hosted Kathleen & Arthur, Tezos Vienna had its first meetup hosted by Tezos community developer, Matej. We also saw the first pilot of Tezos on the Road in Brussels, a hands on workshop where attendees setup their own Tezos node. Tezos had its first premier conference in Paris thanks to TQ organizing. As for upcoming events, Tezos community looks forward to the next TQuorum happening in New York. Tezos Commons will sponsor BuidlBoston Hackathon, teams will compete for 10K XTZ during Boston Blockchain Week. Not to mention, the future for Tezos is just as bright with upcoming amendments involving zk-Snarks, Tendermint, and Marigold. Stay tuned!

Bake your Tezzies with us — tezocracy.com


Gitlab metrics
Developer activity (from Coinlib.io)

Supporting The Development Of Block Explorers And Smart Contract Languages For The Tezos Ecosystem:

To increase accessibility and spur more open source innovation in the Tezos ecosystem, the Tezos Foundation announced a new area of focus for the near future: supporting the development of additional open source block explorers and smart contract programming languages.

These tools are critical public infrastructure for those building on and using Tezos and the Tezos Foundation thinks they’re important to provide additional stability and product diversity for the community.

Block Explorers

In the months to come, they will fund the long-term development and maintenance of several open source block explorers, giving developers, wallet providers, and others access to a greater set of options to analyze and gather information about the Tezos blockchain.

They will encourage everyone developing these block explorers to collaborate on common standards to ensure the community has the most useful and accessible tools. This collaboration will include: API standards so bakers and other relying parties can query a block explorer and receive consistently formatted data; open source code and quality packaging to allow third parties to run their own public instances of block explorers; and operations and monitoring systems to ensure block explorers reliably provide accurate information.

The development of additional block explorers is already underway. Tezos.ID, a project from Tezos Southeast Asia, has been in operation since June 2017 and is expanding in functionality. Arronax, a project from Cryptonomic, is an analysis-focused block explorer that uses the Conseil API. They are currently in talks with OCamlPro, the developer of TzScan, to provide maintenance funding past its end-of-Q2 grant expiration. These projects, as well as new ones the Tezos Foundation will funds in the coming months, will establish a robust network of block explorers for the Tezos community to utilize.

Smart Contract Languages

Similarly, supporting the creation of new smart contract languages, which enables more developers to seamlessly build on Tezos, continues to be a primary focus of the Foundation. Their objective is to have wide language coverage, which will allow a larger audience of developers to more easily build on Tezos.

Some of this has already started. In addition to several open source high-level language projects, like SmartPy and fi, that have already received funding from the Foundation, Nomadic Labs will continue to work on Michelson, a domain-specific language for writing smart contracts on Tezos, as well as an additional low-level language, Albert, which will serve as a compilation target for other high-level languages. The development team behind LIGO, a simple language designed for relatively large smart contracts, recently announced that the LIGO compiler is equipped to integrate additional syntaxes for LIGO. Currently supported syntaxes are Pascaligo (Pascal-like syntax) and Cameligo (OCaml-like syntax).

Criteria for projects focused on building block explorers and languages to receive funding from the Foundation will be announced in the coming weeks. A full list of those selected as grant recipients for these projects will be announced. Stay tuned for more information.

Tezzigator Receives Grant To Expand Cloud HSM Support For Tezos Bakers:

The Tezos Foundation announced that it has issued a grant to Tezzigator LLC to implement Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud HSM support for Tezos bakers.

Hardware Security Modules (HSMs) are physical devices that manage cryptographic keys for greater security. They may be used by Tezos bakers for validation, however, cloud HSM support for Tezos bakers was previously only available via Amazon Web Services. With this grant, the Tezzigator team will make cloud HSMs more accessible to Tezos bakers by enabling support on Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud.

The repo for Microsoft Azure support is open-source and available for public use here. The repo for Google Cloud support is open-source and available for public use here.

The Tezos Foundation’s core mission is to support the long-term success of the Tezos protocol and ecosystem. By funding projects imagined by scientists, researchers, developers, entrepreneurs, and enthusiasts, the Foundation encourages decentralized development and robust participation.

Go Tezos Major Release v1.0.0, A GoLang Tezos Library:

Go Tezos is a GoLang driven library for your Tezos node. Go Tezos is split into multiple services underneath to help organize it’s functionality and also makes the library easier to maintain.

Introducing Snapshots and History Modes for the Tezos Node

In this article, the Nomadic Labs team introduces two new features for the Tezos node: snapshots and history modes.

A snapshot is a file that contains everything necessary to restore the state of a node at a given block. A node restored via a snapshot can synchronise and help other nodes synchronise in the existing network. The only difference is that you cannot query the chain context (balances, baking rights, etc.) before the restoration point, but you can still get the full chain history.

In conjunction, the team also introduces history modes, which represent different policies for determining which past data a node should maintain. They propose three modes: archive (the current mode which keeps everything), full (the new default) and rolling. For now, snapshots can fire up a node in either full or rolling mode.

These new features allow a user to spawn and synchronise a Tezos node in a few minutes, from a single, untrusted file of about 150MB compressed with a truncated history, or 800MB with a full history. You can test all of that by using the mainnet-snapshots branch on Nomadic Labs’ Gitlab.

Social encounters


  • Arthur Breitman, Tezos
  • Patrick Nielsen, Clovyr
  • Lane Rettig, Crypto NYC

Moderator: Brett Hemenway, The Wharton School

Penn Blockchain Club is a premier student club at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. They facilitate great conversations between Blockchain enterprises, students, and academics to further the knowledge of Blockchain in the Penn community and beyond.

Arthur of kicks of another packed-out coinscrum. Pitching the case for public ledgers.

Source: @coinscrum.

These weeks events:

Upcoming events:

Source: @KenGarofalo

TezTalks videos:

TezTalks speaker videos are now live. Over the course of the next 3 weeks, the team will be publishing a series of videos around a specific theme each week.

In case you missed it, TezTalks is an all-day Tezos conference that features curated 15 minute talks within the Tezos community. The first conference took place at Draper University in San Mateo, CA with close to 100 tez-heads in attendance. Speakers included a wide variety of experts within the ecosystem including Kathleen Breitman, co-founder of Tezos.

You can check out the videos at TezTalks.com or on Tezos Commons YouTube channel.

Videos published during these two weeks:


Information from Tzscan.io:

Information from Coingecko.com (May 10th, 2019):

Payman is an opensource free to use tool under the MIT License. If you are a current or upcoming baker participating in Tezos this tutorial may be helpful. This tutorial will focus on how to use Payman to payout batch payments to your delegations. There are existing tools in the Tezos ecosystem that do the same thing, but I believe that Payman is easier to use, and more configurable.

Paytomat has now successfully launched its integration with Tezos, based on the community vote that took place during March. Users will now be able to store, transfer, and spend Tezos using the Paytomat infrastructure.

Paytomat is an infrastructure platform enabling to use cryptocurrencies in everyday life. A set of Paytomat solutions opens the possibilities of the decentralized world to the wide masses, hedging the risks, increasing speed and enabling instant payments in multiple cryptocurrencies. Paytomat products include a multicurrency wallet with EOS dapps, various plugins for Point-of-Sale and e-commerce systems, as well as standalone crypto payment solution.

For more information on how to get started, please visit Paytomat.

Partnerships and team members

TKF partners with Konkuk University to create Tezos focused blockchain course for Master degree.

Social media metrics

Social media activity
Social media dynamics
Social media dynamics

Tezos community continues to grow. There is a constant increase in the number of subscribers of Tezos social media channels.

There is also Tezos Riot chat and YouTube channel.

The graph above shows the dynamics of changes in the number of Tezos Facebook likes, Reddit subscribers and Twitter followers. The information is taken from Coingecko.com.

The Tezos Foundation is committed to supporting organizations which contribute to the growth of the Tezos community and ecosystem. They are especially interested in supporting regional organizations and university-based groups focused on Tezos and the larger blockchain ecosystem.

Check out some of the community organizations that compose the Tezos ecosystem:

Learn about key operational entities

Bake your Tezzies with us — tezocracy.com

This is not financial advice.

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