11 ways Pathfinder is dramatically different to any marketing tool you have seen before

Don’t confuse Pathfinder as another MailChimp or Klaviyo clone. Pathfinder is a completely new type of marketing product that uses AI to give your marketing team superpowers. Here’s how…

Dan Stearn
7 min readJun 21, 2019


Hey there, it’s Dan here, founder of Pathfinder.

I am writing this post because I get a lot of questions asking how Pathfinder is different to other marketing tools people are familiar with and I wanted to clear that up. So let’s dive in…

1. Pathfinder can be hired to complete marketing jobs which increase take-home profits

Pathfinder is software you hire to do marketing jobs. It joins your team, operates itself and produces profit-generating campaigns for you.

The jobs you can hire Pathfinder for are represented as skills. Choose the skills you want to hire for from the skill center and you’re off to the races:

Stop trying to do it all alone! Set up skills to reduce the burden on your marketing team.

Pathfinder can currently be hired to:

  • Reduce abandoned checkouts
  • Upsell customers after a purchase
  • Recover lost customers

Skills for acquiring new customers, improving customer satisfaction and running holiday promotions are in the works and coming next.

2. Pathfinder learns about your business

Of course at this point you may be wondering,

“Will Pathfinder really know how to market my business?”

After all, you have your own unique brand, your own unique products, your own unique messaging, and your own unique market.

Fortunately, Pathfinder understands that every business is different, so it teaches itself about your store before it starts working for you.

Pathfinder builds a detailed store profile so it can make better decisions and design creative that is custom-fit to your unique business.

3. Pathfinder collaborates with you during meetings

When we built Pathfinder, we didn’t want it to be product that works separately from your team. We wanted it to be a product that joins your team and collaborates with you.

That’s why Pathfinder frequently engages you and your team in interactive “meetings”.

Collaborate with Pathfinder’s powerful AI through interactive meetings to get the best out of your team.

Meetings give Pathfinder the chance to ask questions, brainstorm ideas, receive feedback and get your team’s input on campaigns and strategies before it gets to work.

And get to work it does…

4. Pathfinder creates marketing campaigns for you

At the end of a meeting, Pathfinder will walk away with a set of action items to build new marketing campaigns or make changes to existing ones.

It is insanely good at this and insanely fast.

How good is good?

Pathfinder’s marketing algorithms have been trained with over 65MM messages by some of the smartest brains in marketing. We’re so confident, we’re willing to let you try it for free and see the results before you decide if you want to pay for it or not.

How fast is fast?

Faster than a speeding bullet. Campaigns are ready within seconds of concluding a meeting. Go to market in minutes not months.

Pathfinder builds campaigns like these in seconds, custom-made for your unique business. All emails, journey logic and web messages are designed and written for you. It’s all ready, waiting for you to approve and push live.

And by the way, Pathfinder really does hand-build these campaigns for you. This is not about telling you how to do it or giving you a bunch of cookie-cutter templates to customise. It is completely turn-key and campaigns can be taken to market with one click.

That said, if you do want to get more involved…

5. Pathfinder lets you change its work and learns from your feedback

Rest assured that your human team can take over at any point by modifying any campaign, email or message Pathfinder builds for you.

This ensures you always get final say over what goes to market and can add your own personal touches to campaigns.

Change anything Pathfinder builds for you with simple drag and drop marketing tools. Pathfinder learns from changes and never gets upset when you make amendments!

Each time you make a change, Pathfinder updates its understanding of the campaign accordingly, so it can provide more meaningful analysis later (see point 9 below).

It even notices if you make similar changes frequently and starts to adapt future work to be more like your edits.

6. Pathfinder deploys all campaigns itself

In addition to making profit-boosting marketing campaigns for your store in no time flat, Pathfinder can replace all of the marketing tools in your stack.

Push campaigns live in one click. No 3rd party marketing tools required — Pathfinder has all the marketing tools it needs built-in.

This is the only product that does it all. No need for MailChimp, Klaviyo or other piecemeal marketing appliations. Pathfinder is the only e-commerce marketing system you need, handling everything from idea generation to build to execution. Just connect your store and you’re good to go.

7. Pathfinder profiles all of your shoppers and personalises marketing around them

Behind the scenes, Pathfinder builds Amazon-style profiles on each of your shoppers using data from dozens of touch points, classifying consumers into more than 80 different categories. It does all of this automatically.

Pathfinder generates detailed profiles on each shopper. This is your data and it is never shared, sold, or used for advertising. It is only ever used to create more relevant brand experiences for your shoppers.

Pathfinder uses these profiles inside its campaigns to personalise the shopping experience across email and web for each individual shopper.

While this is common practice in big enterprise e-commerce companies, Pathfinder democratises the technology, eliminates the complexity, and makes it completely automatic.

8. Pathfinder is brutally accountable

Pathfinder sets up direct and accurate tracking, measurement, and revenue attribution on every campaign and message sent. This way, all marketing is held accountable to pre-determined objectives and hard numbers.

Pathfinder enforces strict accontability. Campaigns are designed around direct marketing best practices to increase profits and customers, and are held directly accountable to measurable results.

Behind the scenes, performance is also compared to benchmarks set by similar businesses and industry norms to help Pathfinder get a better feel for which approaches and working and which ones aren’t.

9. Pathfinder learns from results

This rigorous accountability helps Pathfinder learn and improve its marketing with every campaign it runs.

Pathfinder’s self-learning systems cause it to do more of what works and less of what doesn’t work.

Every message, stylistic decision and line of copy is analysed, allowing Pathfinder to uncover powerful marketing insights which would be impossible to detect via the human eye.

Pathfinder then refines its algorithms based on these insights, so the longer you use it, the smarter it gets.

10. Pathfinder suggests continuous improvements

You’ll be de-briefed on the Pathfinder’s main takeaways via interactive meetings and weekly email reports. These reports will often include actionable improvements Pathfinder can make to improve campaign performance on your behalf.

Pathfinder reports takeaways in plain English to your management team, and proposes improvements which can be implemented in one-click.

11. Pathfinder implements changes and runs split tests for you

If you like a suggestion, Pathfinder will action it immediately, often requiring nothing more than the click of a button.

Pathfinder can even run these ideas as split tests to objectively measure if the change was effective.

Pathfinder can test new ideas for you on a small segment of your contacts before applying changes more broadly if they make an impact.

And the best part? Pathfinder works for free!

As you can see, Pathfinder is a completely new type of marketing product — one that joins your team and works with you to help make marketing operations easier, faster and more effective.

It’s also free forever for your first 2 skills and 4k contacts.

This way you can try it out at no risk and judge it on the returns it makes you before deciding if you want to upgrade to a more powerful version.

Here’s what to do next 👇

If you own or operate a Shopify or Magento store and are looking for a quick-and-easy way to to give your sales engine some rocket fuel, Pathfinder is for you.

Click here to create a free account and be up and running in less than a minute. No card details required, and no commitment is necessary.

Once you’re inside, connect your store, answer a few simple questions, and see if you like the campaigns Pathfinder designs for you.

Within 15 minutes you can have your first few campaigns up and running. From there, make changes if you want, and when you’re happy, push the button to set the campaigns live. That’s all there is to it. Pathfinder will then keep an eye on performance, report back results, and suggest improvements over time based on what’s working and what’s not.

Here’s a short video showing you how it works:

And here’s the link to the registration page where you can create a free account:

See you on the other side :)



Dan Stearn

Founder & CEO @ Pathfinder. Building an AI marketing employee that does marketing for us humans. https://pathfindercommerce.com