Top Stories published by Paytm Blog in August of 2015

The order life cycle of your placed products at Paytm marketplace

Ever wondered what’s the cycle of an order that you place on our Paytm marketplace? Well, to help you better understand, we’d like to share how a product reaches you once you placed it online. Every order has to pass…

A sneak peak into Paytm’s office

We at Paytm love ‪design and are proud to be in middle of such shining stars which Inc42 presents in it’s article on ‘Places anyone would kill to work for’. Our office is one of the coolest startups to work for in India. Join our team!

Cashfree Nation. Our commitment. Our vow.

At the stroke of midnight, 100 million Paytm users will commit to a cash-free nation.

Paytm’s mission is to help India become the most cashless society on the planet! Making the change to a completely cashless society will mean…

Paytm to lead mobile bank revolution with RBI payments bank license

Paytm got the approval by the Reserve Bank of India for setting up a payments bank. We’re now about to launch our payments business which will be separated from our e-commerce wing. This opens up new opportunities…

Paytm & The/Nudge Foundation join hands this Independence Day

As a socially conscious business, Paytm is proud to partner with The/Nudge Foundation in its cause of sustainable and scalable poverty alleviation.

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