Week 2: JavaScript basics

By Celestine Auburger

Celestine is currently taking an apprenticeship at Peerigon to become a professional web developer. As part of her weekly routine, she publishes a blog post each week about what she has been doing and what she has learned.

Conference recap: Beyond Tellerrand Munich 2018

By Carsten Meier

Venue: Münchner Künstlerhaus, Lenbachplatz 8, Munich, Germany
Time: 1 day of full-day workshops (paid separately, depending on the workshop), 1 day of conference

Week 3: JavaScript extended

By Celestine Auburger

Celestine is currently taking an apprenticeship at Peerigon to become a professional web developer. As part of her weekly routine, she publishes a blog post each week about what she has been doing and what she has

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