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Business Planning

Pen | Bold Kiln Press
Pen | Bold Kiln Press
Stories, insights and more. From Operators and Investors in the Indian startup ecosystem. Want to contribute? Tell us! abhishek@boldkiln.com
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Yes, rewards motivate people. To get more rewards.

[This post first appeared on my personal blog, jitha.me. Surprisingly, the first line is still true :(]

Hello! I’m finally back to blogging, after a short hiatus to focus on my app’s launch. It’s been a topsy-turvy…

One Year of Monkeying Around

First published on TeenBandar.in

Soon after starting out, somebody advised us to stick it out for 9–10 months and if we made it through that phase, we’d be home safe. Now that we’ve made it this far, I thought of jotting down some learnings from the…

Elephant in the Room

First published on Medium.

It is often a surprising situation when you notice the elephant in the room. It is almost as if it has popped out of thin air. There are no windows wide enough for it to sneak in, doors not high enough for it to be sneaked in. The pressing…

Sometimes, good old focus can be a competitive advantage.

[First published on jitha.me. Check out my previous posts there.]

We constantly read about companies that have created barriers to entry — through technology, intellectual property, large-scale…