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Pen | Bold Kiln Press
Pen | Bold Kiln Press
Stories, insights and more. From Operators and Investors in the Indian startup ecosystem. Want to contribute? Tell us! abhishek@boldkiln.com
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Trust and Startups

Evolution of Trust http://ncase.me/trust/ I recently played this game. Very interesting game.

(This is not a sector note or a deep analysis, just a dump of some philosophical thoughts on a topic that I like)

Short Mobile Video Market in India

This was originally published here, by Pratik Poddar.

I love short videos. I was probably one of the early adopters of musical.ly in India and I still use the app once a day. I am one of the few people born in 80s who actually love snapchat. I…

Why we didn’t invest in your company

[This post was written by Jitha, General Partner at OperatorVC our partner angel fund. It first appeared in his email newsletter.]

You have great early traction, and your initial customers are happy. But you’re having a hard time getting a

WARNING: Too much focus can constrain your startup

[This post was written by Jitha, General Partner at OperatorVC our partner angel fund. It first appeared in his email newsletter.]

Successful entrepreneurs, investors and strategy experts all extol the virtues of…