Top Stories published by Percy Blog in 2016

Tuning NGINX behind Google Cloud Platform HTTP(S) Load Balancer

Percy is a visual testing and review platform that helps you deploy every UI change with confidence. Learn more at

Open sourcing percy-web

Following in the footsteps of our sister CI services, such as travis-web, circleci/frontend, and buildkite/frontend, we’re thrilled to open source Percy’s entire frontend web application:

Freezing animations in visual regression tests

A big challenge of visual regression testing in Percy is avoiding false-positive visual diffs.

False-positives and noisy diffs can be caused by many variables (including system and hardware differences between browser…

Improved Percy snapshot rendering

We’re launching a handful of improvements and bug fixes to the core Percy renderer. These changes help make Percy’s visual reviews much more closely match the look of your real site.

Better font support

Responsive visual diffs

Today we’re launching a new feature in Percy: visual regression tests for responsive designs.

This was the #1 requested feature from our users, so we’re happy to get it launched to you. It’s easy to integrate, you provide a list of responsive breakpoint widths…

Launched: Buildkite support in Percy

We’re happy to announce that Percy now has official support for Buildkite! Buildkite is a fantastic, flexible CI and build automation service that runs on your own custom infrastructure.