Outright Fantastic!

I couldn’t be more thrilled for the team at Outright on their acquisition by GoDaddy today!

When the founders first approached me with their vision for a simple, approachable accounting solution for small businesses, it made tremendous sense. These businesses needed…

Entrepreneurs Helping Entrepreneurs

We had a great event this week co-hosted by First Round Capital and Mayfield Fund called “Entrepreneurs Helping Entrepreneurs.” There were well over 150 seasoned and new entrepreneurs in attendance networking with each other for a few hours. Additionally, a few lucky…

How Do You Solve a Problem Like Patzer?

It was with bemusement that I read how Mint.com founder Aaron
Patzer has just been “verbed.”

The story goes that when Mint.com sold to Intuit for $170 million, they left way too much money on table because the…

Permanent Record
Permanent Record
Digital breadcrumbs of an early stage venture capitalist
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