AI in the News — #26

Sanbot, (TechXplore)

Sanbot is a general-purpose domestic robot, made in China. It looks rather neotenous, as now seems standard for helper ‘bots, keeps its general intelligence on cloud servers, but has a suite of local apps as well. For some reason, it has flippers for arms that appear…

AI in the News — #25

Chatbots: common sense vs. Turing (Techxplore)

The Winograd Schema Challenge is a contest to see who can build the best chatbot. It’s not like the Turing test, which is about fooling a human into mistaking a computer for a fellow human. Instead, it’s about designing…

AI in the News — #17

Google gives up and sells off Boston Dynamics (Discover)

Boston Dynamics is the research company that brought us BigDog, the robot pack mule, and Atlas, a bipedal robot. These were very interesting and photogenic, but never real commercial successes. Therefore…

AI in the News — #24

Nurses’ Aide (TechXplore)

MIT has produced an AI to help nurses in a maternity ward with their scheduling. It comes up to speed by watching the nurses do their own scheduling, but it doesn’t just copy, nor does it take instruction. It uses a technique called…

AI in the News — #18

Robot Forgery (NPR)

An AI has produced a very plausible fake Rembrandt. In Holland, of course. The machine analyzed 346 Rembrandt paintings for subject matter, lighting, color, brish technique, and so on, and created a completely new picture that looks very…

Personified Systems
Personified Systems
Working towards AI and autonomous systems that are worthy of trust.
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