Submission Guidelines

What You Need to Know

Louise Peacock
4 min readApr 1, 2020


Tessa (R.I.P.) runs happily across the park grass (2012). Photo by Bruce M. Walker

Subject Matter

The subject here is any type of animal except cats. So any stories or poems about animals of any type — personal experiences, fiction, etc., or animal photographs or artwork are welcomed.

Note: If there are any writers here that would like to post a story, poem, Haiku, photos, artwork about a cat, I would love to hear from you. Cat lovers please join us at Catness!

  • We want personal stories, poems, haikus, fiction about your animal friends.
  • Even though the story is about your own fur-kid, if you are making statements regarding animal breed, health matters or diet in your story, you must provide links to your information sources. (Just saying you found it on Google will not do.) In the event that you are using a hardcopy book or article to support your references, please supply the name of the book, the author and the ISBN number. If possible, provide a link to a book seller source for the book.

Here are two examples of personal stories published in Petness:

From Jacob Johnson, about his former dog

From NancyO, about her adorable puppy

  • Petness is neutral, so we do not publish anything political.
  • We do not publish stories of an explicit or disturbing nature.
  • We no longer publish articles giving advice about pet care, diet, training, or breed specific information. You should consider submitting to one of the many other Medium publications. Here is one that I know of: PetTalks which accepts this type of article.

Unpublished Drafts Only

We no longer publish previously published material. Please submit your story as an unpublished draft


Please only submit images and text to which you own the copyright, or make sure you give the correct attribution to the originator (example, if you are writing an article about dogs and are using specific images from another person or publication, make sure you include a link to the originator and a text attribution “photo by Joe Blow” or “Excerpted from an article by Joe Blow, published in (name of publication) with a link to the the original piece.

It is helpful if you submit photos at the highest resolution possible for optimal display on Medium.

Vertical images work best for your story feature image because of how Medium displays images.

We do not publish images of an explicit or disturbing nature.

We really prefer if you can use your own images. We understand that this is not always possible, but using your own is much more meaningful than using a Pixabay or Unsplash image.

Special Notes Regarding Submissions

Duplicate Content
Medium does not allow posting duplicate content, whether from a single account or across multiple accounts, either publicly or as an unlisted story. — Medium Rules

So, if your story has already been published to another publication on Medium, we cannot accept it, or we will get into a lot of trouble.

We only publish drafts, not work already published.

This works in your favour because if you offer us a story previously published, at an earlier date, it will be listed according to the original date of publication. If this is an older story, say from a few weeks previous, it “slips” back in the story positions. We discovered this by accident when searching for a submission that we had just published, and not seeing it at the “top”. Medium goes by the original date of publication.

Links to other sites

We don’t mind if you put the “subscribe to articles by (author)” link at the end of your articles, but we do not like links that go to commercial sites, or commercial articles. We get that you may want to market yourself, but please not in articles you submit here.

How to Submit your Draft to Petness or any other publication

Here is a link to an article that explains the process very nicely.

Become a Writer for Petness

Just add a comment in the comments section for this article, or, email me at

If you do not get a response from us within a week, please email.

Don’t forget:

Petness is especially directed at pet lovers/owners with all different types of animals except cats, which have their own, specific publication, called Catness.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

Our resident Toad. Photo by Louise Peacock

Got a Cat story? bring it to Catness which is especially directed at cat lovers/owners



Louise Peacock

Louise Peacock is a writer, garden designer, Reiki practitioner, singer-songwriter & animal activist. Favorite insult “Eat cake & choke” On Medium since 2016.