Archive of stories published by nTokens Blog

Call for Digital Twins Economics

Bank of England’s Chief Economist Andrew G. Haldane speech on “Is All Economics Local” describes some positive impacts that more data can bring to economics.


Esse artigo do Luiz Gustavo Nugnes para a Blockmaster apresenta uma sucinta e bem feita introducao ao tema. Como ele mesmo avisa, as interpretacoes sao feitas com base na legislacao Suica.

FATF Recommended Regulation fo Virtual Assets

Following on a recent post here, FATF plenary resulted in publication of their “Regulation of virtual assets”. FATF being an initiative comprising of 35 member jurisdictions and 2 regional organisations.

Brazilian Tax Authority Addresses Crypto

Brazilian tax authority — RFB — issued normative instruction 1.888 outlining initial obligations on crypto assets holdings and trade. 
 Not far from rules applying to stocks and derivatives trading, it relies on self-reporting and collecting from individuals…

AML Standards for Crypto Outlook

By Ana Alexandre @ cointelegraph, “International Anti-Money Laundering Standards for Crypto Expected in October” reports on progress of international organisation Financial Action Task Force (FATF) towards an unified legislation on cryptocurrencies.

These were the top 10 stories published by nTokens Blog; you can also dive into yearly archives: 2018, 2019.