Top Stories published by A PhD in Entrepreneurial Ecosystems in 2022

PhD Journey: Week 3

This week I started to really get to grips with what my ‘research journey’ is going to be like. In particular, an excellent presentation from the person responsible for Lecturer Researcher Development started giving me lots of practical things to get my head around.

PhD Journey: Week 5

Change of direction #1

According to some of the literature I’ve been reading, I should expect to change direction or focus a few times during the PhD process. I wasn’t convinced that would apply to me, but (like many before me, I expect) it looks like…

PhD Journey: Week 6

Literature Reviews

It’s lovely having time that I can just dedicate to reading. That being said, it might take a while before I stop feeling guilty when my wife looks into my office and I’ve got my feet up reading a book! I’ve been rattling through…

PhD Journey: Week 7


Academic networking is an odd concept. I’m very familiar with business networking, both formal BNI-style (*cough*don’t do it*cough*) and less structured network building throuhg courses, events, common interests and online. But the idea of doing that…

PhD Journey: Week 4

This has been planning week. I set my aims and objectives last week, now I need to know how to do it. The final thesis is a…

PhD Journey: Week 8


I was thinking last week about how to build my academic network, and this week offered one opportuntity that I really enjoyed and which seemed effective. I attended an EEUK event in London all about Entrepreneurial Ecosystems, and whilst the talks…

A PhD in Entrepreneurial Ecosystems
Working towards a PhD in entrepreneurial ecosystems
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