From Working Title to Title that Works

Pamela Wilson and Jeff Goins host the Zero to Book podcast where Jeff, an established author, walks Pamela, a newer author, through the process of launching a book.

You’re Not Always Right: How to Succeed on Amazon

Mike Fishbein has self-published twelve books. “I used to think that I could just write a great book and publish it and then the sales would roll in,” he wrote in a blog post. “I was wrong.”

PickFu vs. Twitter Polls

Last week, Twitter announced it was rolling out a feature that enabled users to create polls. Polling isn’t totally new on Twitter; brands sometimes would tally retweets, favorites, or hashtag instances as informal votes. With this new feature, however, Twitter users can compose a…

When 99designs Is a Few Too Many

99designs is a great site for startups and small businesses — for just a few hundred dollars, you can launch a design contest for a logo, Wordpress template, PowerPoint deck, signage, and more. Graphic designers around the world compete to win, you provide feedback, and…

Crowdsourced Decision Making
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