Pitch Decks

How to Create Impactful Team Slides

At an early stage, the team slide is the most important. Learn to make an impression and sell yourself.

Nicolas Carteron
Published in
6 min readDec 7, 2020


This post is part of my series on Pitch Decks:

Let’s repeat it one more time

Early in the life of your startup, your story and your characters matter more than anything else because it’s all you have to sell.

You must convince people that your vision is the right one and that you are the best people to execute it.

I am fond of quoting that about 70% of my investment decision of an early-stage company is the team. My rationale is simple: everything goes wrong and only great teams can respond to competitors, markets, funding environments, staff departures, PR disasters and the like.
— Mark Suster, Upfront Ventures

Fundraising at this stage is a people’s business. You may know your potential investors very well: they are your friends, your former colleagues, your…



Nicolas Carteron
Pitch Decks

I write about politics, business, society and culture on Medium. For startup/business content, check my newsletter: fundraisedd.substack.com