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SoftwareDevTools: The Publications
SoftwareDevTools: The Publications
Agile teamwork made easy. Efficient sprints with online tools like http://Planningwith.Cards & Retrospectives. Visit http://www.SoftwareDevTools.com for more.
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Team Discussions and opportunities to enhance processes.

A few days a go, the team wrote a post on Medium about 3 agile ways to kickstart the year. I shared the post on several Slack groups to get some feedback and some people were interested in the dynamic our team uses to enhance its…

The Game of Endurance & Opportunity: Agile Product Development

This post is dedicated to Behance founder, Scott Belsky, who worked for 10 years building the Behance design platform before selling it to Adobe. In a popular post he talks about Escape Velocity and the ups & downs of…

Slack Enterprise Grid Released

Slack reached its first five million users with a simple, great product and one goal in mind: to make working lives simpler, more pleasant, and more productive. During that time, and because of its reputation, big companies have been using Slack to improve collaboration…

The Prime Directive

The retrospectives prime directive is a statement that needs to be considered as an assumption by every participant of every sprint. The purpose of the Prime Directive is to assure that a retrospective has the right purpose and the right culture in order to keep the focus results oriented and…