Playfix: Empowering game developers, changing lives of gamers

Joey Alarilla
The Playfix Chronicles
3 min readOct 12, 2022
Book about Japanese concept of ikigai
Image credit: Shreesha bhat on Unsplash

I believe in the Japanese concept of ikigai, which means “reason for living”. And I’m happy to say that joining blockchain gaming startup Playfix has played an important part in finding my ikigai.

Ikigai is basically defined as the convergence of four areas of your life: what you love, what you are good at, what the world needs, and what you can be paid for.

Becoming Playfix Head of Content has helped me tick all four of these boxes of the things I’m looking for in my work.

My work — not my job. Because I firmly believe that our job is not our work.

Our job is what we do to earn a living. Our work is what we do that makes life worth living.

As I shared during Shakudo’s RakkTalk Twitter Space where Playfix Founder and CEO Tobias Abdon and I guested, I’m very grateful that I was hired for this role. Because I believe in ikigai, and the Playfix vision is aligned with my values.

I started out as a tech journalist, but became part of different industries over the years. The common thread running through my career, however, is that I’ve always been a storyteller, a digital champion, and an advocate of technology for good.

I love that Playfix helps make it easier for game developers to embrace blockchain gaming. By taking care of the technology and infrastructure, including providing a robust set of developer APIs, Playfix lets developers focus on what they do best: making fun games and delighting their players.

Not only is Playfix empowering game developers, but also potentially changing the lives of millions of gamers, especially those in emerging economies.

Last year, play-to-earn proved to be a real game changer. One of the best known examples is the meteoric rise of Axie Infinity, the popular NFT game that allowed so many gamers, particularly in the Philippines, to earn an income amid the hardships of the pandemic. As detailed in this documentary, play-to-earn created new opportunities for millions of gamers around the world.

And while play-to-earn has run into challenges, new types of blockchain games based on other business models are also emerging. Yes, it’s a bear market and we are in the midst of a crypto winter. But I honestly believe that the best time to be bullish is during a bear market.

That’s when the builders shine, because companies are forced to innovate and create real value. It’s the time to build better platforms, business models, and communities.

Playfix not only offers technology, but also passionate people who are determined to help game developers succeed. To make sure they will not only survive, but even thrive during this crypto winter.

That’s why we are putting together an introduction to web3 game development course that will teach the fundamentals of building blockchain games. It will take you from being a curious novice, to having built your first blockchain game.

Now is the best time to learn about web3 game development. And Playfix is excited to offer this course to help developers kickstart a career in web3 games.

I have found my ikigai championing crypto for creators, blockchain for good, and web3 for a better world.

May you find your ikigai, too.



Joey Alarilla
The Playfix Chronicles

Storyteller | Catalyst | Digital advocate | Techno-optimist | Gamer | Champions technology for good | Follow me on Twitter: @joeyalarilla