Hard Sex Deserves A Happy Ending

Novella: The Lake (Epilogue)

Kaia Bell
Published in
5 min readMay 20, 2021


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This is the final installment of a smutty, summery novella called The Lake. For Part One, click here.

I smile to myself as I shut my laptop for the day. I’ve been building my freelance graphic design business one client at a time. When I left the city, I was nagged by the fear that I was making a mistake, but everything is turning out beautifully.

My office is a dream. Mike installed all the shelves and helped me unpack my heavy books. Lucas and Jake mounted the flatscreen tv in the living room and reassembled my furniture. They also came by to replace a few broken shingles on the roof and help me repaint the exterior, and that night, they slept over and I woke up dripping wet with Jake tonguing my clit as Lucas lazily teased my tightly contracted nipples.

Their favorite position is having me sandwiched between them. One spoons from behind as the other faces me, and wrapped up in the tangle of their strong arms, they penetrate me together, pumping slowly as one kisses my neck and the other kisses my lips.

It feels so deliciously wrong and yet strangely romantic, and I live for the moment they release, flooding me with their come as they rock their cocks inside me.



Kaia Bell

Sex, history, and erotica with a touch of deeply felt kink. Site: