Go to Acumen Academy Voices
Acumen Academy Voices
The world’s school for social change. We help change-makers like you become more active and effective at creating positive social change.
Note from the editor

The world’s school for social change. We help change-makers like you become more active and effective at creating positive social change.

Go to the profile of Joshua Maddox
Joshua Maddox
Father, coder, and marketer. Leading developer advocacy for Kin Foundation by day and MarTech and blockchain experiments at Cinderhouse by night.
Go to the profile of Amy Ahearn
Amy Ahearn
Career Strategy Lead @Pathstream. Focused on connecting high-potential students to life-changing jobs.
Go to the profile of Jo-Ann Tan
Jo-Ann Tan
Jo-Ann is the Lead Architect and Director of +Acumen, a learning community for social change-makers. More at www.plusacumen.org.
Go to the profile of Marica Rizzo
Marica Rizzo
Marica leads the Global Community team at Acumen Academy — enabling connection and collaboration between Fellows and Accelerator Alumni.
Go to the profile of +Acumen
We’re the world’s school for social change. We help change-makers like you become more active and effective at creating positive social change.