Do You Have What It Takes To Be Our Next Oracle?

We’re hiring a Research Associate!

Louis Coppey
Point Nine Land
2 min readJul 26, 2019


At Point Nine, our ambition is to be the best B2B software investor in Europe at the seed stage and research plays a key role in that endeavour. That’s why each of our investment team members spends a lot of time building our thesis around what it takes to build a successful seed-stage business in our focus areas and often communicates it through the forms of blog posts, napkins or tweets. ICYMI, here are our investment theses for SaaS, marketplaces, AI or Crypto (it’s coming ;)).

Research is actually so important that a few years ago Clement joined the team to focus primarily on researching the SaaS landscape while helping our portfolio companies around marketing. 4 years forward, he’s written hundreds of blog posts, thousands of tweets, found hundreds of (great) companies while supporting tens of portfolio companies.

Clement recently left us to take some time off but we’ve nonetheless decided to double down on the Research function. So, I am very happy to announce that we are hiring a Research Associate. We call it an Oracle.

Here are more details.

As our ex-colleague Nico explains well in this post, macro trends create macro outcomes for us. If you’re interested in understanding industry trends and communicating them to the world while helping us back the next Zendesk or Revolut (and eventually become the Benedict Evans of Europe), this opportunity is right for you!

Apply fast!



Louis Coppey
Point Nine Land

VC @pointninecap, interested in / writing about VC, SaaS, and, Automation.