Beta x 2: Mobile UI and Governance Now on Testnet

Another week, another set of Pollen features available for you to test and provide feedback on: our much awaited Governance portal, and mobile responsiveness for Pollenators on the go.

Team Pollen


We’ve spent the summer building. A couple of weeks ago, we introduced you to the beta versions of Pollen Leagues and Shorts, which we complemented with the addition of 10 new ERC20 tokens. This week, we bring our Governance portal and mobile user interface to testnet.

Mobile User Interface

Many Pollenators have asked “wen mobile?” The answer — very soon. Now on beta, our mobile responsive UI is open for all Pollenators to review before we officially propose it for mainnet launch this month.

All Pollen features, with the exception of our soon-to-be-launched Governance module, will be available on mobile.

To test our mobile UI, simply:

  1. Open the Metamask app on your mobile device, and make sure the network is set to Avalanche Testnet C-Chain
  2. Select “Browser” from the burger menu on the top left
  3. Open a new tab by selecting the “+” or square icon in the in the navigation bar at the bottom of your screen
  4. Paste in the ‘search’ field and press ‘enter’
  5. You will now be able to use all Pollen beta features, with the exception of Governance, on your mobile device.

Let us know what you think via our Telegram and Discord channels.

The Governance Portal

We told you it was coming a couple of months ago, when you voted with your PLN to launch Pollen Virtual to mainnet. It’s now here, in beta, ready for you to test and provide your feedback on: the Pollen Governance portal.

We expect to launch our Governance module on mainnet this month. As soon as this new feature is live, holders of vePLN — the vote escrow equivalent of our native token, obtained by locking PLN — will be able to submit proposals for new features and upgrades and exercise their right to vote on Pollen and community proposals.

Pollen’s first governance proposals will be for the launch of Pollen Leagues and the Shorts functionality to mainnet, as well as for the integration of 10 ERC20 assets: APE, MKR, DOT, NEAR, COMP, BAT, SNX, AXS, CHZ and MATIC.

To join the beta and test Pollen Governance, please refer to the “How to sign up for the beta?” section below.

Governance rules*

  • Only vePLN holders can submit and vote on proposals
  • There is no minimum vePLN threshold to submit proposals
  • Voting power is proportional to amount of VePLN held
  • The quorum necessary for a vote to be considered valid is 30% of the total vePLN supply
  • A vote is considered passed if a 50%+ majority is obtained
  • Voting on each proposal is open is open for 7 days
  • Should a proposal pass, it will be marked as ‘Pending’ 7 days prior to execution
  • If the community votes against a proposal, it will not be executed
  • Pollenators can propose changes to everything in the Pollen protocol
  • All proposals should be executable and include a smart contract where changes to the Pollen protocol are displayed
  • Unsuccessful proposals can be resubmitted
  • We urge the community to vote against hostile proposals; if, however, a proposal considered detrimental to Pollen is voted in, the Pollen multisignature wallet is authorized to overrule it to avoid any negative consequences

*Please note that we’ve set different parameters for testnet governance proposals and votes, as follows:

Quorum: 50% of the total test vePLN supply

Voting period: 24 hours

Execution lock: 6 hours

How to sign up for the Governance beta?

Here’s a simple step-by-step guide to get you started on the Pollen beta.

Before you start, fill in the Pollen Leagues beta Google Form if you wish to be contacted about future beta and mainnet upgrades, and hear about PLN rewards for beta-testers.

A. Set up your Pollen testnet portfolio:

  1. Set up your MetaMask Web3 wallet — you can find a detailed guide on how to do this here.
  2. Add AVAX-C Testnet to your MetaMask wallet.
  3. Top up your wallet with test PLN: Go to our Telegram or Discord and get 500 test PLN from the Pollen faucet. Use /faucet *Your Address* command on @pollen_defi_bot for TG or in the pln-testnet-faucet channel for Discord. If Discord is not working for you please try Telegram.
  4. Get some Testnet AVAX from the AVAX faucet. You will need it for gas fees. Be sure to select the Fuji-C net network and enter your address. Alternatively, you can also go to and connect your MetaMask. Search for “AVAX Fuji”, click on “Add chain” and then allow the blockchain from your wallet with the “Testnets” switch enabled.
  5. Go to the Pollen beta dapp on and create a Pollen Virtual portfolio — you can find instructions on how to do this here.

B. Create a test governance proposal:

  1. Head to the Voting tab on and select ‘Create proposal’ on the top right corner of the proposals table.
  2. A pop-up box will appear — type in the proposal title and description, provide a smart contract address for the feature or upgrade you are proposing, and press ‘Confirm’.
  3. A Metamask pop-up will appear, asking you to confirm and sign the transaction, which will incur a small AVAX transaction fee.
  4. Your test proposal is now active and vePLN holders can vote on it for the next 24 hours; you can check on how many votes it has accrued by selecting the proposal.
  5. If voted in, your test proposal will be executed after 6 hours; if your test proposal is unsuccessful, it will not be executed, but you can resubmit it.
  6. Anyone can execute a passed proposal by clicking the ‘Execute’ button against the proposal in question and paying the AVAX gas fee to bring it to mainnet.

C. Vote on a governance proposal

  1. Click on the Voting tab to review all proposals.
  2. Click on the ‘Vote’ button for the proposal you wish to vote on.
  3. A pop-up window will appear: type in the number of vePLN you wish to allocate to your Yes or No vote.
  4. A Metamask pop-up will appear, asking you to confirm and sign the transaction, which will incur a small AVAX transaction fee.

We look forward to seeing your test governance proposals and, if in the meantime, you encounter any difficulties in submitting them, have trouble voting, or simply want to share your feedback, please reach out to us via Telegram or Discord.

When mainnet?

To bring you the best mobile and governance experience possible, we’ve first launched these new features on testnet to gather your feedback and ensure that we’ve cleared up any bugs before we go live.

Having said this, we’re feeling quite confident about both our mobile UI and Governance Portal, and are planning on launching them on mainnet within September 2022.

To help us do so, please share your feedback with us on Telegram or Discord.

Finally, a reminder: fill in the Pollen beta Google Form if you wish to be contacted about future beta and mainnet upgrades, and hear about PLN rewards for beta-testers.

About Pollen

Pollen is a first-of-its-kind Virtual Trading Arena where the community holds all the power. Decentralized finance is designed to be by the people, for the people, and Pollen is acknowledging this by building the first, truly decentralized platform for measuring trading skill and on-chain reputation with its Pollen Virtual suite of products.

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