Top Stories published by The Poloniex blog in 2020

TRX Holders Earn 3X Rewards

With our recent addition of BTT and our upcoming listing of WIN, we’re now giving TRX holders 3 times the rewards each and every month. By holding TRX on Poloniex, you’ll continue to earn staking rewards every other week. Starting this month, you’ll now also receive monthly BTT…

Coming Soon: WINk Airdrops for TRON Holders

Following our announcement that we’re listing WINk (WIN) soon, we’re excited to announce that we also will begin supporting WINk’s monthly airdrop program for our TRON (TRX) holders. Our customers who hold at least 100 TRX at 16:00 UTC on the 27th of…

These were the top 10 stories published by The Poloniex blog in 2020. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2020 by using the calendar at the top of this page.