Android Studio Source Code Free Awesome 2020 Open-source Android apps written in Kotlin and Java

Ponglang Petrung
Published in
7 min readSep 25, 2020

[UPDATE] 100 Open-source Android apps written in Kotlin. Organized by Tech Stack and Architecture/Patterns.

About: Awesome Android Kotlin Apps aims to be the starting point for developers to find an Android app with a particular Tech Stack / Libraries.

Project URL:

This list is based on the effort of Android Open-source Contributors.

cr : Thank you from

Or can take what I have summarized Will be used examples and how to use Shortcut image style That subjects that use java straight

Android Developer Roadmap — MindOrks

Roadmap to learn Android App Development

  • Programming
  • Java
  • Kotlin
  • Android Studio
  • Android Studio IDE Overview
  • Project Structure
  • Java/Kotlin
  • XML
  • .gradle files
  • Android Component
  • Activity
  • Activity Lifecycle
  • Tasks & Back Stack
  • Service
  • Broadcast Receiver
  • Content Provider
  • Intents
  • Types of Intent
  • Implicit
  • Explicit
  • Intent Filter
  • Static User Interface
  • View
  • Button, ImageView, TextView, EditText etc
  • ViewGroup
  • LinearLayout, RelativeLayout, FrameLayout, ConstraintLayout
  • Dynamic User Interface
  • RecyclerView
  • ViewPager
  • Spinner
  • CustomView
  • Canvas
  • Bitmap
  • Paint
  • UI Resources
  • Drawables
  • String
  • Styles
  • Fragments
  • Fragment Lifecycle
  • Fragment Manager
  • Support User Interface
  • ProgressBar
  • Dialogs
  • Toast & Snackbar
  • Storage
  • Shared Preferences
  • File Systems
  • Database
  • RoomDB
  • Build
  • Gradle
  • Debug / Release Configuration
  • Threading
  • Threads
  • Handler / Looper
  • Debugging
  • Memory profiling
  • Logging
  • Systrace
  • Exceptions
  • Error Handling
  • Memory Leak
  • Detecting and Fixing Memory Leaks
  • Context
  • 3rd Party Library
  • Image Loading
  • Glide
  • Picasso
  • Dependency Injection
  • Dagger
  • Networking
  • Fast Android Networking Library
  • Retrofit
  • MultiThreading
  • RxJava
  • Coroutines
  • Data Format
  • JSON
  • GSON
  • Flat Buffer
  • Protocol Buffer
  • Android Jetpack
  • Foundation Components
  • AppCompat
  • Android KTX
  • Multidex
  • Architecture Components
  • LiveData
  • ViewModel
  • DataBinding
  • Paging
  • Work Manager
  • Navigation
  • Behaviour Components
  • Download Manager
  • Media Playback
  • Notification
  • Permissions
  • Preference
  • Sharing
  • Slice
  • UI Component
  • Animation & Transition
  • Android Auto
  • Emoji
  • Palette
  • Android TV
  • Android Wear
  • Architecture
  • MVVM
  • MVI
  • MVP
  • Unit Testing
  • Local Unit Testing
  • Instrumentation Testing
  • Firebase
  • FCM
  • Crashlytics
  • Analytics
  • Remote Config
  • App Indexing
  • Dynamic Link
  • Security
  • Encrypt / Decrypt
  • Proguard
  • R8
  • App Release
  • .keystore file
  • App Bundle
  • Playstore
  • Keep Learning and Improving


15 Best Open-Source Android Apps With Source Code For Developers To Practice

Kotlin’s collection How to use memo

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Cr : พี่ Kittisak Buaphanna

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