Go to Post Growth Perspectives
Post Growth Perspectives
Guiding the way to a full circle, #postgrowth economy beyond capitalism.
Note from the editor

Post Growth Perspectives is an online magazine created by the Post Growth Institute, whose mission is to help lead the transition to a world where human systems thrive within ecological limits. Inspired by the wisdom of natural systems, we celebrate, support, and develop ideas, programs, and alliances that promote the circulation of money, power, and resources in our local communities and global economy.

Go to the profile of Post Growth Institute
Post Growth Institute
Writing by team-members, guest contributors, and Fellows of the Post Growth Institute (PGI).
Go to the profile of Natalie Holmes
Natalie Holmes
Humanitarian, writer, yoga teacher, budding urban farmer. Managing editor @ medium.com/postgrowth
Go to the profile of Donnie Maclurcan
Donnie Maclurcan
Works with @postgrowth. Passionate about people, purpose-driven business & planet. Focused on the circulation of money & socio-economic justice. He/his.
Go to the profile of dani leonardo
dani leonardo
Kin-centric facilitator, futurist, musician & avid lover of purple
Go to the profile of Tyler J Harris
Go to the profile of Jeremy Williams
Jeremy Williams
Writer and activist, co-author of ‘The Economics of Arrival’, and blogger at The Earthbound Report. I write about social justice, climate and sustainability.
Go to the profile of Steven Liaros
Steven Liaros
Polymath & futurist exploring how the human story shaped our present predicaments & what this can teach us about consciously creating a healthy future for all
Go to the profile of Crystal Arnold
Crystal Arnold
Director of Education at the Post Growth Institute, author, facilitator & into asset-based community development; the solidarity economy; mutual aid networks.
Go to the profile of Geoff Davies
Geoff Davies
Dr. Geoff Davies is a scientist who has been exploring economics for two decades. He is author of Economy, Society, Nature. betternaturebooks.net.au
Go to the profile of Didi Pershouse
Didi Pershouse
Author of the Ecology of Care: Medicine, Agriculture, Money, and the Quiet Power of Human and Microbial Communities. Founder of Land and Leadership Initiative.
Go to the profile of Tegan Tallullah
Tegan Tallullah
Writing about the energy transition, climate, sustainability, ethical marketing, and life as a new working mum.
Go to the profile of Sharon Ede
Sharon Ede
Regenerative Cities Activist | Circular Economy Catalyst | South Australian Government | Award Winning Author | linkedin.com/in/sharonede | sharonede.com
Go to the profile of Eric Garza
Eric Garza
I dabble in written, audio, and video media production and ponder deeply the predicaments of our age. Find me on the web at Quillwood.org.
Go to the profile of Dr. Vandana Shiva
Dr. Vandana Shiva
info at vandanashiva.com
Go to the profile of Mohsen Anvaari
Mohsen Anvaari
With a PhD in IT, I am half an independent IT consultant, and half a documentary photographer focusing on outdoor life and environmental issues.
Go to the profile of Nilmini De Silva
Nilmini De Silva
Documentary Photographer & Civil Engineer promoting new paradigms for living. http://narratives4change.com.au https://polisplan.com.au
Go to the profile of Alicia Kennedy
Alicia Kennedy
I’m a food writer from Long Island based in San Juan, Puerto Rico. Subscribe to my weekly newsletter on food issues: aliciakennedy.substack.com
Go to the profile of Navdanya International
Navdanya International
Navdanya International champions sustainable agriculture, biodiversity, food sovereignty and the rights of small farmers around the world
Go to the profile of Ted Rau
Ted Rau
Sociocracy, Non-Violent Communication, Linguistics
Go to the profile of Nonprofit Ventures
Nonprofit Ventures
The world’s first incubator for not-for-profit startups implementing a Post-Growth Economy.
Go to the profile of Davion Ziere
Davion Ziere
Zi (Zy) — 🌍 aligning, being, present. new world systems and music ♥️ with compassion. 🌞 Read our working papers on Trust: https://bit.ly/3uLaWpf
Go to the profile of M. Tekhen Strode
M. Tekhen Strode
changeling — emergent strategist — writer — kola nut giver — itinerant inspector of ancient/new ideas — complex adaptive co-conspirator w/ @kolanutcollab
Go to the profile of Erin Remblance
Erin Remblance
Climate | Degrowth | MMT | Vegan
Go to the profile of Gabriela Cabaña
Gabriela Cabaña
Anthropologist studying energy transitions in the context of social-ecological breakdown. Part of www.centrosocioambiental.cl
Go to the profile of Sabrina Chakori
Sabrina Chakori
Founder, Brisbane Tool Library. PhD Candindate, The University of Queensland. Ecological economist, degrowth researcher and advocate.
Go to the profile of Symone Jackson
Symone Jackson
Writer and digital strategist based in the San Francisco Bay Area | symonejackson.com
Go to the profile of Emma River-Roberts
Emma River-Roberts
Emma is the manager of Free Money Day, an event by the Post Growth institute. You can connect with her here: https://twitter.com/ER_Roberts_
Go to the profile of Zol Mend
Zol Mend
Mongolian Researcher unlearning, exploring, and re-building her own truths and values rooted in authenticity.
Go to the profile of Taylor Steelman
Taylor Steelman
dilly-dallier par excellence, doctoral student (human geography), affiliate at the Post Growth Institute, occupational therapist
Go to the profile of Turquoise Sound | TaoTeTurquoise.Com
Turquoise Sound | TaoTeTurquoise.Com
Societal Technology: Organizational Ecosystem Cultivation | Wisdom Tech | Cultural Tech | DyerGlobal.Com & Transdiciplinary Leadership Review Journal
Go to the profile of Bhawuk
Witnessing the technological, economic and social disruption | Working class | Good Neighbor | Environmentally Aware | Student of Climate Physics at KIT
Go to the profile of Erinch Sahan
Erinch Sahan
Erinch leads on applying Doughnut Economics to businesses at DEAL. He has been the CEO of World Fair Trade Organization, and worked at Oxfam, AusAID and P&G.
Go to the profile of Farzin Farzad
Farzin Farzad
Farzin is the founder of Critical Equity Consulting, LLC, an Organizational Justice consulting firm that helps organizations rebuild with equity in mind.
Go to the profile of Alex Lopez
Go to the profile of tocco.earth
Back to the basics: materials. 𝐭𝐨𝐜𝐜𝐨 sources regenerative materials that redefine the way we create. Discover at 𝘵𝘰𝘤𝘤𝘰.𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘵𝘩
Go to the profile of Lena Bjärskog
Lena Bjärskog
Woman engaged in politics, sustainable economics and arts. Teaching Swedish as a second language. Member of the Post Growth Institute & JAK Cooperative Bank.
Go to the profile of Alex Pazaitis
Alex Pazaitis
Alex Pazaitis is core member of the P2P Lab and researcher at Tallinn University of Technology.
Go to the profile of Kajal Patel
Go to the profile of tedtrainertsw
Go to the profile of Crystal Arnold
Crystal Arnold
Director of Education at the Post Growth Institute, author, facilitator & into asset-based community development; the solidarity economy; mutual aid networks.
Go to the profile of Nick Natrella
Nick Natrella
Writer based in Donostia, Spain. Affiliate at the Post Growth Institute and Editorial Assistant at The Irenaut, an international peace-themed magazine.
Go to the profile of Tariq Al-Olaimy
Go to the profile of Alison R Guzman
Alison R Guzman
Co-Founder Maple Microdevelopment Chile Member Community Economies Institute Donor Relations Coordinator Cultural Survival Fellow Post-Growth Institute