Top Stories published by Pound Travel in July of 2015

Ilha da Queimada Grande: the most dangerous island in the world

English: Bothrops alternatus photographed in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, in January 2010. Español: Bothrops alternatus en Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, en enero de 2010. Português do Brasil: Cruzeira (Bothrops alternatus) no…

Three journalists who went on a trip to Cuba and their story

Centro Havana seen from Hotel Habana Libre (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Careful questioning at the airport, but an exotic atmosphere, as you will not find elsewhere. That trip is limited to three…

The most beautiful canyon in Romania

English: Lake Vidraru in Romania, right side of the lake. Deutsch: Staudamm Vidraru in Rumänien, rechte Seite zum See. Română: Lacul Vidraru în România, partea dreaptă spre lac. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

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