Step Three To Living With Intent: Why Am I Doing This?

Jake Rosenberg
Lions Unleashed Blog
4 min readMar 13, 2019

This week I’ll be reviewing what I believe are some of the most important and actionable keys to your success, as well as how you can implement them in your life.

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If you haven’t been following along, so far this week I’ve spoken about:

  1. Living With Intent and why it’s imperative to your success.
  2. Step One To Living With Intent: What Do I Want?
  3. Step Two To Living With Intent: What Are My Personal Values?

Yesterday, I gave you FREE access to download my workbook on Finding Your Personal Values. If you haven’t yet, go download it now. It’s powerful!

Now that you know what it is that you want in your life and what Personal Values are guiding you beneath the surface, it’s time to bring Step One and Two together to create your powerful Step Three: Why Am I Doing This?

The WHY is the purpose, cause, or belief that drives every individual and every organization.

  • Why did I get out of bed this morning?
  • Why do I go to work?
  • Why do I follow my religion of choice?
  • Why do I have the friends I do?
  • Why should anyone care?

That feeling of alignment with something greater than “just because” subconsciously drives us, yet we don’t pay much attention to it!

It’s that very same feeling that brings sports fans together behind a team, even when that team hasn’t made the playoffs in years.

It’s why some people buy Apple products time and again, even if their pricing isn’t the most affordable, or their new features don’t live up to expectation.

Whether you’d like to admit this to yourself or not, rational aside, the way we feel inside plays a large part in what we do.

How we feel about something is more powerful than what we think about it.


It’s important to align our desires and feelings to achieve success.

Photo by Ken Treloar on Unsplash

So I want you to look back at your workbook from Step Two To Living with Intent, look at your Personal Values that you found to be true to you, then look at your exercise from Step One To Living With Intent and ask yourself:

WHY do I want this?

For each and every thing that you wrote down in your exercise from Step One To Living With Intent, ask yourself, WHY do I want this?

As you answer your WHY’s, keep an eye on your Personal Values and label each WHY with the Personal Values that govern it.

After you’ve gone through your WHY’s for the things you want in life, it’s time to examine all you WHY’s and ask yourself:

What’s the common denominator?

Take your time with this. Really think into it.

Then, ask yourself the question that every human wonders:

WHY am I alive?

Again, take your time with this. Look at your Personal Value’s, look at what you want in life, and look at WHY you want those things.

Now decide for yourself, this is WHY I am alive.

Whether you are an entrepreneur, an employee, a leader, a follower, or are just looking to find clarity in your life, your WHY is the one constant that will guide you toward fulfillment in your work and life.

Most of us live our lives by accident — we take things as they come and just roll with it.

When we live our lives with intent, with purpose, that is what brings us fulfillment, and a life of fulfillment is a happy life.

Once you understand your WHY, you’ll now have a better understanding of what makes you feel fulfilled, which is what drives your actions.

When you can do that, you can start living with intention.

Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash

You’ll be able to make intentional decisions and take intentional actions in your business and your personal life.

From now on, you can start Living With Intent.

Power On! 🚀

My series on Living With Intent is now complete. You can read each step by clicking the titles here:

Step One To Living With Intent: What Do I Want?
Step Two To Living With Intent: What Are My Personal Values?
Step Three To Living With Intent: Why Am I Doing This?

In order to make sure you don’t miss anything, you can either:
Join my WhatsApp group or Follow me on Medium.

Watch today’s video:

Power Morning + is written daily by:

Jake Rosenberg
Founder / Performance Coach



Jake Rosenberg
Lions Unleashed Blog

Provider of personal and business solutions 🤝 @thosemarketers • @thepowerentrepreneur You cannot learn if you think you already know...