Photo by Marius Ciocirlan on Unsplash

October in Review

Catch Up on Articles from The Pragmatic Programmers

Margaret Eldridge
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2 min readNov 8, 2022


In October, we published articles from recent book authors and articles about new books in print and in beta from The Pragmatic Bookshelf.

We also published articles from the archives of PragPub magazine.

Following are all the stories from October. Thank you for reading!

Articles from Our Book Authors

Photo by Tom Hermans on Unsplash

📚 Why Are There So Many Competing Open Source Projects? by Ben Cotton

📚 Why Would I Need to Use Git for a Personal Project? by Bill Karwin

📚 Developing Alexa Skills in Java by Craig Walls

📚 UDP Humor by Erica Sadun

📚 How Do I Get Better at Giving Feedback? by James Stanier

📚 Git-Config: alias.* by Karl Stolley

📚 Google Flutter versus Microsoft .NET MAUI by Mike Riley

📚 Adapt, Exapt, or Reapt Product Features? by Staffan Nöteberg

PragPub Articles

Take a step back in history with the archives of PragPub magazine. The Pragmatic Programmers hope you’ll find that learning about the past can help you make better decisions for the future.

💾 Ten Down, A Thousand to Go by Andy Hunt

💾 I Went for the Skiing by James Grenning

💾 To Agility… and Beyond! by Kent Beck

💾 Scala for the Intrigued: Recursions and Tail Call Optimization By Venkat Subramaniam

💾 Watching Too Much, The PragPub Puzzle

💾 Vaping Venture, The PragPub Puzzle

