Concerning the power of presidential speech…

(From my Facebook page…)

The world is being led to the brink of nuclear war by a commander-in-chief whose idea of diplomacy is tweeting that his ICBM-armed opponent is short and fat. If we survive, and if we try to restore our…

Pentagon: There Was No Saddam/Al Qaeda Link

The obvious has been confirmed. So, if I may quote the absolutely necessary Juan Cole, “Now who will tell the US troops who marched into Iraq in 2003 with pictures of the World Trade Towers pinned to their backpacks? Ooops, guys, sorry.

Bill Buckley’s Monster

When he died late last month, William F. Buckley Jr. had lived long enough to see — if not to admit — that the movement he is credited with creating, post-WWII American conservatism, had become a monster.
In 1955, when Buckley used his father’s money to create the National Review, he

Looking all over the past for the future
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