“Prepare the way that the world should know of their God”

Prepare for the Time of the Great Famine
32 min readSep 4, 2019


(Spoken by the spiritual messengers of God, Aka)

“Only for the unisis of the soul and souls, who should fear not and bind together, may the coming be laid before man”

The spiritual messengers of God, Aka, warned us on November 29, 1974: Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer your question in this manner, in this way.

As we have said before, your country once again should repeat its own folly. It should make treaties with its enemies that shall be considered as just pieces of paper. It shall disarm itself and be made easy prey.

Those who should come of the Anti-Christ have already made their toil upon your country. You now face your greatest hours of need. For they did not need to make war upon you to weaken you. They took from you the oil that would burn in the lamps. They took from you the wheat which would make of the bread. And yet, you stood idly by and did nothing.

Now they stand poised and ready to poison your minds. For we should say, hark, into thee, for if the Eagle [U.S.A.]does not spread its wings and give the protection unto the land of Israel then your days of famine shall worsen. Each day shall lead into another, each becoming more desperate into the next. We have told you before, to prepare for the famine. We have told you the length of time of famine. It is at hand. It is now.

We say unto you, your Government shall go through yet another great trial. And each trial shall simulate unto the Lord a nation divided not, but a nation that should stand, one unto another. One nation under God. Yet it shall not be one nation, for many nations shall come forth.

The work that you have done before shall take many hands for that of the future. Do not weaken. Do not blame the time of famine one upon another. Look not unto the race of man or his nation that should make him as he is. But we say unto you, look unto the holiness of it all, unto the righteousness of it all, and there before you shall be the answer for all to behold. Wear not the mark of the Beast.[See The Revelation, chapters 12–13.]

We say unto you, new efforts should be made that the book, A Rose without Thorns, should be brought forth, for now in the dire needs of all time should be the time that is needed by the Lord, our God, and the time that is needed by the people and the children of the Lord. [Note: All of Aka’s guidance is now available for you in the Book with Wings series.]

Bring all things into fulfillment and glory before God, and God shall bring all things into fulfillment and glory before you. Fear not these times before, for they have been at your doorsteps once before, not in the same manner. Many in your land now grow hungry for need. We say unto you, make the extra effort to put stores in your storehouses. Put tools, seed, each of all kinds.

For now is the time of the Fifth Angel, and the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth. Chaos shall come forth. More eruptions shall occur in the San Francisco area and the San Bernardino area. New eruption shall occur in the land of Alaska, and the Circle of Fire in Mexico, down through the land, for the land now prepares to separate itself. All things that we have prepared you for, throughout, the twinkling of the eye, is now the time to bring them forth into fulfillment. Store of all things, but do them with caution. Do not be as the man who should store for the sake of storing. Emphasize in your newsletter quite strongly the needs.

We say unto you, bring forth unto the nations the need you have for more teachers. This must multiply tenfold.

There are those who should say that the Jewish nation should be the seat of all your troubles. We say unto you, there are still those who wear the mark of the Beast that roam the land. Come forth now in truth within yourselves, blaming no one. For your time for blaming someone will do you little good.

And so we say these words unto you. For long ago upon your earth, one came forth in the time of depression and promised the German people a land of glory. He brought them a land of destruction and division. That this should not happen again upon the earth, act when you see the signs. Many thousands and millions of dollars are now being spent on such propaganda. Heed our words; listen not unto them. Listen unto your hearts and your souls, and the answers shall come forth in truth before all.

Glory be the name of the Lord, our God.

Aka asks us to emphasize the needs quite strongly— our needs to store for the famine, and the need for more teachers (which would be important for the saving of our world and preparing for the coming of the Messiah). Have you thought about becoming a teacher in the Association, or sharing Aka’s teachings with others?

Aka tells us to bind together. With our minds combined with Ray, Aka and one another, we can avert many disasters that are prophesied. In doing so, we can help prepare a way for the Messiah’s coming and see to the needs of many others.

The spiritual messengers of God first said, on April 29, 1970: Prepare for the time of famine….The time of the great famine.

May 1, 1970, Aka was asked: “What will cause this famine?”

Man shall cause this famine.

The black line shows the increase in consumer prices from 1900 to 2015. See how it rapidly increased since this 1970 prophecy.

July 25, 1970: Now, as we have said before, we should tell thee of the Anti-Christ and of the coming of the Anti-Christ, and how it shall affect God’s children. And I say, of God’s children — of those who are of three.[Note: Three may be those with body, soul and spirit — those who have not become lost souls.]

Now that our Father has given us permission, this we would say to thee — that in the days of the Anti-Christ, father shall slay father [son] and mother shall slay daughter. Of all foul things shall be. But for these of God’s children who have walked tall, nay, not one hair upon their head shall be harmed, for the Anti-Christ shall have no power over those of God’s children.

And that is the reason we have told thee, prepare for the famine. The famine shall be lean, a very short period of time. But during this time, during this time God’s children must prepare themselves.

And it is not in the preparation only of food substance that we speak, for there shall be the time of the testing of your faith. And for those with faith shall walk upon the water, and they shall heal.

Can you understand of which we speak? Nay, then we should explain in another time.

September 25, 1970: Now you ask unto us, “What shall take place between now and this time of a thousand years of peace?” And we should tell unto you, first, of your famine; this man shall bring upon himself.

The changing of your world, this is part of God’s plan, so that all man, of God’s people, of God’s children, shall become all one. Yet, you shall still remain as individuals, with individual thought, individual desire and individual need of food. We do not mean that you shall all be, become as one, only your love for your Father shall be as one. This time shall come about as your religions realize that each person has the right to worship his Father in his own way. Our Father intended this; this is why we have said before, “of His many mansions.”

February 19, 1971: We have told you before, prepare thyself for the famine. For soon, as you have seen, the might of our Father’s hand, and in His anger, shall separate those places into which Lucifer should dwell. And in separating them, still, as during the time of Abraham, He should look within them, and if He should find good among them, He shall spare them; if not, the same shall happen unto them as happened unto Lot’s wife. [See Genesis 18:16–33, 19:1–29.]

We have told you of many things that shall come. We have told you that Atlantis shall rise again and fall again. Man, as you have known him, has dwelt upon your earth for millions of years. Our intention is not to destroy your earth, but to reshape it, that peace may dwell upon it.

See the articles, “The Big One and the Valley below the Sea — A Prophecy,” “Watch the Water,” and see “Your Earth Is Shifting on Its Axis.” Also see “Only our Father, and at His grace, shall disclose what stands in the times that stand for His great plan.”

Bimini island which some speculate used to be part of Atlantis.

We have told you before that very soon you should hear words from what you call as outer space, from other worlds, much like your own, only farther advanced than your own. It is our Father’s plan that before your influence may dwell beyond your own planetary system, your thousand years of peace shall dwell; and they shall dwell as He should count, not as you should count….

Then we would say unto you, your work has just begun.

Join together as one; build on your earth God’s mighty army of minds. [See The Revelation, chapter 19.]

But do not destroy nothing as thy build, only build upon what is there. Do not denounce a man because of his color or his belief. Bring him here to us that we may speak unto him.

As we have told thee before, and thy have not listened and heeded unto our Father’s words, if thy brother should offend thee, go to thy brother. But be prepared to forgive yourself, that he may forgive you.

Do not hide your feelings, for remember, “the first shall be last and the last shall be first.” Cast God’s spirit into the brook. Let it flow to your rivers, and from there to your oceans, and into the many lands. Let it flow to the leaders of your nations. Your work, we have told you before, is to prepare the time of the coming of the Messiah. We should say one more word; add this to your name. Place the word of Association before your name. This should place thee all in accord, and as we have said, all in accord with God and in accord with one another. Work together. Listen to each other.

February 9, 1973: Make a time within your life. The doors are open. We are waiting. All you must do is enter for the knowledge you may seek. We have laid before you many dreams of dreams. And we shall answer once again, only for the unisis of the soul and souls, who should fear not and bind together, may the coming be laid before man.

March 30, 1973: Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner.As we have said before, prepare for the day of the famine, but do not do so in a reckless manner. Lay aside ten percent of your income each month. Put this into a group fund for buying. But buy these things in a sensible manner. It is not necessary that you should build a pyramid for storing. Build yourselves a vault, placing it in a dry place. Store theses things in quantity.

One can see how inflation began to increase drsmtically in the early 1970s when Aka spoke these words.

The first of the famine shall come in the form — because you have, your society has inflated itself, it should come, therefore, in the form of depression. Plant food things that thy can rely on to grow in your locale. You know of these. We have placed forth upon your earth an abundance of water for the cleansing of the land. We shall continue this for a short period of time.

But we say unto you, if your budget shall not allow of ten percent, then place five percent, but do so in a sensible manner, and do so in a manner that each should pay their own share. Rotate your stock.

And we shall tell you into these words, of the time of [Egyman], when famine did hit the earth for seven years. And part of the people came together and stored their food, and placed it away. And the day that the rain stopped and the earth became bare they were joyful, for they thought they had plenty to eat. And their animals were joyful, for they had plenty to eat. But robbers came into their storehouse and took away most of their foodstuff.

And they prayed unto God, “Oh, woe, woe, for Lord, we have done unto Your bidding, and robbers have taken from us our food.”

And the Lord spoke unto them and said into these words, “GO FORTH AND BAKE YOUR BREAD.”

And they did so. Yet, no matter how much they took from their storehouse, there was always some left, for they had faith in the Lord. Without this faith, their grain would have soon run out.

And this is true unto yourselves. For those who have faith unto the Lord, they shall survive. For those who have no faith, they shall have none. For the measure of your wealth shall be the measure of your faith.

But do not be as the farmer who had many tasks to perform and ran from place to place and wrung his hands in despair and did nothing. Take upon yourselves one task at a time and do it well. And your Father shall provide, and your storehouse shall not become empty.

Put forth the effort that is needed, both in the building of your spiritual selves and the building within your group. Bring strength forth and unity. Plan together, but be joyful unto one another. Your garden has been weeded. Now is the time to grow from the good soil. Lift up your hearts.

But for those who should stand and only find fault and do nothing, nothing shall be provided.

You have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have one question about the depression. When will this come, and how long will it last?”

We shall tell of thee things. But first, pick up your hoe, and show us the faith.

July 2, 1973: And we should say unto thee, as we have said before, as the water should be as the spirit of man. Yet we should tell unto thee of the parable of the river that came from nowhere, the river that had no beginning and no ending, and so it should be with the spirits of man, and so it should be with the spirits of God. Take forth your ark, the ark of the soul, and let it flow into the river, that the river should flow unto the many lands. And we say unto thee, look unto the east, yet look among you, for we are here but for one purpose, that is in the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. Make this way within your hearts. Open the door that we may enter.

Thy have many questions, ask.

“Aka, [2–7–73–001] is here tonight….has also asked, what should she be doing for God and humanity in this new age? And she is concerned about, should she take money from the co-op credit union and invest it in real estate?…”

Of the financial condition that thy asked of, we shall answer in this manner. As thy would invest, do so in real estate, but do so wisely. But do not plant all of thy seed in the same field. We would further suggest that the taking of certain quantities of the monetary value and turning these into that of silver. We would also suggest that the taking of certain quantities of this and placing it into food substance.

Aka was correct. Historically, housing values rose the fastest (43%) in the 1970s, when this was spoken. Overall, since the 1940s, housing values have quadrupled. See https://www.census.gov/…/housing/census/historic/values.html. Silver prices rose from $15.75 in 1973 to $117.50 briefly in 1980, https://www.macrotrends.net/…/historical-silver-prices-100-…. Food prices can be seen in the cost of living increases, http://www.mybudget360.com/cost-of-living-compare-1975-201…/.

We would say unto thee in these words. Thy have worked hard of thy years of thy life. Take forth, therefore, these years and place them into spiritual growth. If thy should open the door, we should place before thee the wine and the bread. Take them up. If they should taste of the food substance to your liking, then take of this. But as the river we spoke of unto which has no beginning and no ending, enter into this river. But as thy heart, do not enter in such a manner that thy should become a hypocrite. Enter in the manner into which thy should believe. Speak unto your Lord in the manner unto which you would speak unto yourself, and therefore, His answers shall come in truth unto you.

But we say unto these words. All things upon the earth are of one, but yet, separate and different, and yet beauty within all. But as in the beginning, when man was as a violin and the violin was in perfect tune and perfect harmony, and as the violin then became out of tune and out of harmony, so has man. For we say unto thee, would your Father create that of badness? Yet you are of His likeness, of His kind. And yet, as man was created in five places, all of the colors of the Lord are of God.

Prepare that way within thyself, and you shall have your thousand years of peace and the beginning, and therefore, upon your earth shall be your new heaven and your earth within the same.

But we say unto you, our Lord does not judge thee. Then judge of thyself not so harshly. The past is but a fleeting thing, that of light. The future is that of light also. Let all parts of the light go forward and light your way, and therefore, you shall stumble not upon your own errors or that of others.

July 9, 1973, a man asked Aka about “our inflationary factor. Isn’t it true that our economy is due for a downfall?’”

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. Your economy shall go into that form of an inflationary depression….

Give that unto God that belongs to God, give that unto your fellow man that belongs to your fellow man, but give that unto yourself that belongs to you. In all three you are doing that of God’s work. In returning that of a dollar, place that before man that should grow in its own worth. Thy have thoughts of this within thy mind. We find no fault within the same, and therefore, continue with the work in the same manner into which you have done.

But we say unto you, it has been written, “Bear false witness against no man,” and this should come from others that should bear false witness against you. Therefore, they themselves must judge themselves in their life, and in their death, and in their life again. All must become in complete, for “He who should kill with the sword shall be slain with the sword.” But the beginning and ending of a karma, or an incarnation, can happen many times in one lifetime. Within truth and knowledge, the overcoming of a karma is that when a man or a woman truly sees and understands without giving unto another person blame, but receiving within themselves the understanding that that unto which they have done, and shall do, shall be right before themselves, for no man shall judge you other than yourself….

July 9, 1973, the same man asked, “Are gold and silver coins a good investment now?”

We should say go unto the silver. Worry not about the gold. We should also say, provide that that you should store of foodstuff. You shall find this knowledge within the readings that shall be put at your disposal. Store of this. Then, in the time of famine, you may barter and trade, and therefore, you may have the gold and the silver and something to eat also. But provide that not only for yourself, but for others. We have made many suggestions of this type in previous readings. Ask for them and they shall be given unto the same. [See Prepare for the time of the great famine” — “food for thought.”]

Other sources say silver was worth $2.55 an ounce in 1973, and rose to $33.58 by February 13, 2012. (In January 1980, silver was at an all-time high of $102.59, but soon fell lower.) Since 2009, oil, gold or silver are doing better than the dollar.

July 8, 1974, Aka said: The time of the famine is now. You are entering into that of an inflationary depression. Crop failure across the land has multiplied unto the same. Your dollar has inflated itself beyond comparison and shall continue for a period of time to do the same. And then will come forth the time when it will stabilize itself and be worth more.

Chart of M2 money supply growth and inflation as measured by the GNP price deflator. Data from 1875 to 1959 are taken from Appendix B of The American Business Cycle: Continuity and Change (edited by Robert Gordon). Data available here: http://www.nber.org/data/abc/. Data from 1959 onward are taken from the Fred database. Series IDs GNPDEF and MSNS. Chart by Bkwillwm — Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=18124092

Yet we say unto you, store, therefore, unto seed and grain. Store, therefore, unto the foodstuff, of both fruits and vegetables of all kinds. Store in such a way that you may take from your storehouse and replenish as time goes forward. And in this manner you shall be prepared for the same.But as your dollar inflates, that that you buy today, you shall pay more for tomorrow….

Thy have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [_____], who has asked a previous question, asks, ‘What changes to our lifestyle as we now know it will take place in the next 10 to 15 years?’”

We shall answer in this manner. Much shall depend upon your own free choice, and that of your fellow mankind.

We say unto you, give unto God that that is God’s; give unto your brother that which should belong to your brother; but just as important, give unto yourself that that belongs to yourself. If you should do of such, in all manners you should be serving God.

We should say unto you, plant your own field first; then go unto your neighbor and help him plant his.

Your lifestyle shall drastically change in the next 10 years. Medicine, as you know it, of this day shall take a drastic change. New power sources shall be brought forth upon the earth, new forms of travel. All these things should come forth.

But war, also, may come forth with it.

This is your earth. This is your time. Make your choice.

But we say unto you and to all mankind, the Lord, our God, loves of His children. But we say, as He gave unto Moses the Ten Commandments, must it be necessary once again that the days of Noah shall come forth upon your land? Must these days of darkness, must the Sixth Seal be opened, and then the Seventh? Must all of the words we have spoken not be heard? Nay. [See The Revelation of John, chapters 6–8.]

We come forth not to take from the words of Moses. We come forth not to change the prophecies of John. We come forth with love from our Father, with A Rose without Thorns for your earth. Pick it up. Be as a mirror; show it to your brother. Judge not his skin, or the color.

We have told of you of life on other planetary worlds. Shall you kill of them when they come [up] in peace? For the crafts that have landed upon the earth, so far all you have done is try to destroy them — yet they have harmed you not — because their forms are different than yours. When you leave your body, this shell that you should live, it should wither away and turn back into dust. And as is proper, should you look upon it and stand and watch it decay, you would think it a horrible thing and fear it.

Pick up this rose, and fear not, for the Lord, God, walks with you, for those who carry not the mark of the Beast shall not perish from this earth, or from our Father’s kingdom. [See The Revelation of John 20:4–6 and chapters 21–22.]

August 2, 1975: Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. As we have said before, the great Sword stands poised above you. The Sword shall cut two ways. It shall make the divisions within the land. Where no water was, water shall be; where deserts lay, gardens shall grow.

But we say unto you unto these words. Hurricanes and tornados shall plague the land. Prepare thyselves for such.

But we say unto you, abundance and harvest has been placed at your doorstep. Bring these forth. Your desert and your mountains are but pastures for your feedings. Gather now, for soon shall be the lean years. Gather in abundance. The food has been provided, as was provided for Moses and his people.

We say unto you, as the laws of the Lord were handed unto Moses, it should say unto you, “Thy shall not kill.” Prepare, therefore, in such a manner that thy should covet not that that belongs to thy brother, but thy should be able to give unto thy brothers. But stand firm. Give unto that that thy may be able to give. But thy people must survive. That the work must go on, we shall provide that that is necessary for all. Fear not.

We shall tell unto thee of the parable:

The parable for the time of preparation.

For the prophet did come unto the land and say unto the people, “Prepare now. Bring forth your storages of many forms — of food, of medications, of tools, that these may be used in the time of need.”

The people did scoff upon him. Yet a few did listen and they did prepare their storehouses. The others went forth wasting in a continuing manner all that was provided for their storage. In the fields and in the valleys grew abundance of food. They did not harvest it.

And then came the times of drought; a famine did strike upon the earth. The few that had gathered began to feed their people.

Those that had not gathered at first were sorry that they had not prepared. And then they became lustful and did prepare to covet that that belonged to their brother.

At first, their brothers gave that which they could, keeping that aside to feed their own. And they did dig wells, and they did build dams to catch the sparse water. And they did turn forth their seed to plant new land.

Yet those who should not prepare stood idle, and yet demanded food. And those who had prepared and were working said, “If you should not work, you shall not eat.”

And so those who had not prepared plotted, therefore, to kill those who had. And they did come forth into the fields that were planted. And the fields were lush and ready for harvest. And they decided to burn the crop, and therefore, to burn the people. But the wind did shift and devour them.

Now we say unto you, was it what you would call luck, or was it that the people who had prepared had prepared more than just food and provisions? They had prepared their minds in such a manner to control the element.

If you should store, we have said to store knowledge. This is the source of knowledge.

For you, who should think our words are idle and such could never be done, we should say unto you, such folly. For you, who should hear our words and seek the wisdom, the knowledge shall be provided. We have brought forth in preparation for this time, and implanted the knowledge that is needed in soul Ray’s mind for the teaching of the same. You soon shall start your college sessions. This is good, but yet, not enough. We say unto you, should you prepare, more teachers, more study sessions should be necessary.

If a fire can consume, so it can protect. Build the fire with your minds in such a manner that as one twig should stand it can be broken easily, but as many stand together they cannot be broken at all.

This is true for us in caring for many needs and situations. If we bind together, many things of which we read need not happen. They can be averted or turned around. As we read the prophecies we can see them coming true more and more. It becomes even more urgent that we bind together with God and with one another in the spiritual gift of Aka’s presence in this Association, as Ray has taught us to do.

Soon, we have provided the way that new water storage shall be made available — in soul Ray’s mind he has long planned a thing of pleasure, yet it should serve a dual purpose. Within the planning he has also planned the means to purify the water that should lie within the pool and build a structure above the same. The structure shall serve into two purposes, a shelter for the water, and a greenhouse for the plants.

So we should say unto you, gather your harvest. Prepare, therefore, to gather of the mesquite bean. Clean your crushers, that the mesquite may be crushed first, and then brought forth and placed into the grinding unit. Prepare that the sun, with the use of the nylon screening, can be used for drying decks. Sell not of your honey, except within your own organization, that it may be stored in [the] like manner. The harvest shall be good.

Prepare both axe and hoe that the ground may be tilted [tilled?].

Emergency generator systems should be brought forth. These may be obtained through your war surplus purchases.

As the land should continue to crumble in the land of California, many shall flee the land, both jobless and without food. For those who are willing to work, accept them into your fold. For those who are not, let them pass on. But do not be, and divert yourselves back, to that of an armed camp. Prepare in such a way — your ammunition shall be sparse; therefore, we say unto you, take forth and bring forth that of the crossbow. Do so now.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, do you have any advice as to how best to deal with the acorns, for human consumption, that are in abundance now?”

The acorns should be gathered, and therefore, treated with salt, crushed — after the treatment and the drying process is done, treated in a salt solution, crushed, and then, therefore, prepared for storage.

“Do these contain too much tanin for safe consumption?”


“Should they be leached?”

They should be leached in the salt solution, and then dried and then crushed.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, [6–284–3] asks if you have suggestions regarding the fuels that we should store — types and amounts?”

The fuel should be stored in as great a quantity of wood as possible. Gasoline shall be made available. Butane shall also be made available. But wood is your greatest asset. The storing of charcoal is also a necessity for the working of metals. There are abundance of coal deposits nearby. These should be sought out and located. There are certain plants, desert plants that should contain oil. They grow in abundance in your area. The oil should be extracted and stored. These can be made readily into fuel of many types if they are brought forth at correct Fahrenheit of the same in the leaching manner.

“Are you referring to the Jojoba?”


All that is needed is but around you.

Your efforts should be [stemmed] throughout your newsletter. But as we have said before, there will be many who shall not listen. Let those who should join together do so. Lay your days aside that storage in the right commodities can be gathered, processed, and stored, in the proper commodities.

We would suggest that you should pertain your questions tonight upon this subject.

You have other questions in your minds.

February 25, 1976: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer thy question in this manner.

As we have said before, that we would tell you when the time of the famine had arrived, and so we say unto you, the Fifth Angel walks upon your earth, and pestilence and droughts, earthquakes, tornados, and volcanoes shall sweep the land. We say unto you, thousands and millions shall die. But prepare thyselves, now, and this need not happen.

Your world shall go hungry. The one known as Jesus did say, “For beware when that day should arrive. Pray that it does not come in the winter time, for thy children shall freeze from the cold, for they should have not clothing nor food.”

And we say unto you, prepare, now, and these things thy shall live through.

We shall say unto you that men shall become as animals and shall kill for crumbs of bread. They shall snatch the food from the mouth of the child.

All these things shall come as past.

Before, we have warned you, step by step, of the perils ahead. We have told you that you could not stand as one person alone and survive, that you must stand together. This is why we did say unto you, “Form your organization.” This is why we gave unto you A Rose without Thorns. We told you we were here but for one purpose, and that was for the preparation for the coming of the Messiah.

Now we shall tell you that man shall be tempted, much as the one known as Jesus was tempted. For those who shall rise through this temptation shall walk in the footprints and beside the Messiah who should come.

But all these things must come forth, so that your land and you shall be ready for his coming. The earth shall change its face; each step, one behind the other.

We shall say unto you, once before in this land did come a time such as this. You called it your depression, your Great Depression. And the wind did come and lain bare the ground. Yet many of you here this day lived through that time.

Yet, you have become a different people, a people used to buying all things that they need.

But now you have before you an inflationary depression. This can strike the land with a two-sided blade. One shall cut away the land, and part it. The other shall cut away the people. [Note: In 2019, farmers were affected in 14 states in U.S. Midwest and South by flooding; in September 2019, Hurricane Dorian parked over the Bahamas before it went up the East Coast.]

It is easy to be a good Samaritan on a full stomach in a warm house. It is not so easy to be such a good Samaritan when you have naught yourself.

But we shall tell you, that as Jesus stood in the church and as the old woman laid three pennies in the plate, he said unto the others, “She has given her all, and more than any here.”

And they said, “How could that be?”

And he did say unto them, “It is easy for the rich man to give three pennies, for he has many pennies left. But the three pennies that she gave was all she had.”

For you to survive you must build and supply your warehouses now in such a manner that regardless of whether they belong to your organization or not, as long as they come and are willing to work, they shall be fed and clothed, and the medical aid be given.

That that you have seen in Guatemala –– you have seen the rivers changing their courses; you have seen thousands die needlessly because even though the warning was given, they did not prepare.

Guatemala Earthquake February 4, 1976. Typical street view in Patzicia, showing adobe block rubble which is all that remains of the houses that formerly lined this street. The adobe block buildings had very little resistance to horizontal forces and most of them were completely destroyed. Collapse of the heavy adobe walls, roof tiles and beams caused most of the casualties. Many of the adobe blocks are still intact but the mortar between the blocks failed during the seismic shaking. The eqrthquake happed about six weeks before Aka spoke about it here. 1976. Slide 43, U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 77–165.

Jesus did say that the warning would be given, and they should not even stop to pick up their coat, but to flee to the hills, yet they did not. And the same shall be with you. We are giving you this warning — not as a threat, not that you should repent, for that must come from within yourself — but so you, your families, your friends may bind together.

You shall say, “Why should the Lord lay such a bondage upon His children,” much as the people of Israel who were in bondage in Egypt did say. And we should say unto you, so that they could prepare the way that the world should know of their God. But we say unto you, even as the waters closed upon the Egyptians, the Lord wept, and He did say unto the people, “WHY DO YOU CHEER WHILE MY CHILDREN DIE?”And so He shall weep for you now.

But the Lord has placed free will in your hands. What you shall do with it shall be of your own choosing….

We say unto you, the famineis uponyou. Shall you wait until the dust and the drought should bury you? But this land on which you stand this year shall bear bountiful fruit. Your desert lands shall provide, through that of the mesquite, food that could feed the world if it was harvested. It would be higher in protein, higher in vitamin supplements, than your wheat. You have many desert plants that bear bountiful fruit each year, yet go to waste. In soul Ray’s mind is the knowledge of turning this bountiful crop into usable, eatable substance.

August 25, 1978: And now we say unto the ministers and the teachers of this work, now is your time of trial. Now is the time of temptation. Hold yourselves one unto another. Now is the time we have prepared you for. Now is the time you must reach above your own wants and needs.

Bind together as one. Wherever one is stricken,wherever one has been hurt, wherever one shall be cast aside, let this not happen. Stand together.

Do not quarrel. Do not bicker. Be as the mighty hand of the Lord, and the strength you ask for shall flow into your bodies and minds….

We shall emphasize again upon the binding together. Pray together. Stay together. Become as one. Now is the time of the Anti-Christ and the preparation for those who should prepare a way for his rule. They shall attack anyone who is preparing the way for the coming of the Messiah. But remember your inter-strength.

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

October 6, 1978: We shall say unto you unto these words. For within your churches now, those of the Anti-Christ shall move through and take positions of authority, through all of your churches. Now is the time when the mark shall be placed. For those who are truly compassionate for their fellow man, they shall stand. For those who have truly love for their fellow man, they shall stand. For those who in truth shall prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah shall stand. Those who are preparing a way for the coming of the Anti-Christ shall stand but a short while, and then they shall be swept away.

We said before, look unto Daniel, of the four beasts, and the last beast was made of iron. That beast was Rome. [See The Revelation 13:16–18 and Daniel, chapter 7.]…

As we have said before, there shall be those who shall dream dreams and those who shall interpret dreams. Now you are all dreaming, dreaming more than ever, strange dreams which you cannot understand. Bind together.

Bind together….

Now is the later days. Look up the book of Daniel and see that of which we speak. Look into the prophesies of Isaiah. You have one of two choices, the preparation of the coming of the Messiah, or the preparation of the coming of the Anti-Christ. And those who wait in the middle shall be swept into the path of the Anti-Christ and be utilized as beasts of burden….

For those who [ ] walk in the light of God, those that shall reach unto the heavens and meet their brothers and sisters, we say unto you, your time is so short.

Must we have come but to fail? For you who have heard us the most cannot hear us at all.

For you who have heard us and heard the words of our Father, can you not find compassion, and love and forgiveness in your hearts? Shall you make blasphemy of all we have done? We have said that the greatest test[s] would be before you. We shall watch and God shall watch.

Now is the time of the Cherubim….

And we say unto you, [_____], do you not hear us?

December 8, 1978: We say unto you, the workings of evil are about you….

There is but yet another part unfolding. You now have two key members, one dead, one near dead. In their place shall be placed people and a plot to take over both the Congress and the Senate of your country. This dream has not died for a madman who did rise in the sea to lose his head, and was fallen, yet the head was healed. [See The Revelation 13:1–4.]

We have shown you one step farther into something we made quite clear, a long time ago, to you. We should say unto you, use the alphabet in sequence of sevens, multiplying each seven and the numeral into the same, and you shall spell the name of the beast who has lost his head. It shall also spell and show you the mark of the Beast that lies upon the man. Beware….

Let preparation be made that all your people shall know — and now — that they may stand together in prayer and unity. Bind together. Make your prayers as one unto the Lord. Remember that which we told you, of those wo had set the fire to the fields, and the people did stop the fire with their minds.

December 29, 1978: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children.

And the Lord, God, did look upon His children and say unto them, “BIND TOGETHER. BE AS ONE.” You have shown those things within you that we have long sought to see. You have come together to help one another, and in helping thy brethren, you have taken the first step. Into each of you, you have given your toil. But more than the toil you have given, you have given it in a loving manner, begrudging not that which you are doing. This is the greatest gift you may give one another.

In the days that shall follow, your ability to respond in a loving manner you shall need even greater, for the times that lie ahead shall be torn with great storms and turbulence, therefore, upon the land.

We say unto you, these things that thy give unto one another, thy give unto the Lord, God, also. When thy should give a gift expecting nothing in return, then in truth you have given a gift as God has given it to you. Glory be the Lord; glory be His children forever and ever….

“[10–390–1…Tucson] asks, ‘Should I be making plans to move soon, and where should we be looking for property?’”

We say unto you, at this time prepare for violent weather. Keep on hand six months’ provision at all times. Continue the job you have at this time. We shall tell you, when the time shall be and the place you shall go. Where you are now is where you can serve the children the best, God’s children….

There is other questions within your mind. We shall answer in this manner.

You will find it written that an army was built in heaven as well as on earth before the battle of Armageddon. What difference should it be to you, if your will is to serve, which side you shall serve upon, as long as you serve on the side of God? The place means little difference. [See The Revelation, chapter 19.]

Now we should say unto you, unto all of you, take the tools that we have given you at hand, and strengthen and bind together. Wherever one of your flock should be harmed, let all of you feel the pain, and restore the wound back into wholeness. Let pettiness leave among you; let it be gone. Let jealousy be no more. Bind together. For the greater part of the storms, and we do not necessar­ily speak of that brought on by nature, is yet to come.

In the year that you face, walk in it with hope and reassurance. If you do so, all the things that you wish for shall be completed. All things you should ask for shall be given unto you.

Do not walk into the house and say, “I might build this house;” walk into the house and say, “I shall build this house.” If rubble stands before you, clear it away. If water falls upon you, brush it aside. If the earth should split between you, build a bridge.

Now is the time of the Cherubim. And the Fifth Angel walks among you. We shall say unto you, as we have said before, nothing from either side shall interfere with this work. Take from your minds a thought that anyone can harm you, as long as you place yourself in God’s hands. All you must do is place your mind, and intermingle it with soul Ray’s. You shall soon find that nothing may harm you.

Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be the name of His children.

April 5, 1974: We should remind unto thee that that as one known as Jesus did need kneel in prayer unto his Father, yet he knew within his heart that his Father’s words and his Father’s work was more important than his own needs or wants, and therefore, he walked from the olive grove to the hill of the skull, and therefore, let his blood flow upon the earth freely.

November 26, 1971: We say unto you unto these words. Be watchful, as the keeper of the land, for the Master shall return unto it one day.

For remember, you are the children of God; therefore, the Lord would look into thy needs, and therefore, give a gift unto thee in a manner that would be most marvelous for thy eyes to see.


The words of Aka are copyrighted by A. Ray Elkins through whom they were spoken.



Prepare for the Time of the Great Famine

Spiritual messengers of God, Aka, arrived in late March 1970, with a brilliant heavenly light. We are here...to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah.