Go to Product Management Lessons from the Startup Trenches
Product Management Lessons from the Startup Trenches
In a pay-it-forward kind of way, my team and I are sharing what we have learned running Product Management at a startup that hopefully will be useful to you people working at a startup or a larger organization. Note that these represent our views and not necessarily our employer.
Note from the editor

In a pay-it-forward kind of way, my team and I are sharing what we have learned running Product Management at a startup that hopefully will be useful to you people working at a startup or a larger organization. Note that these represent our views and not necessarily our employer.

Go to the profile of Jim O'Leary
Jim O'Leary
VP Product Management | Mobile, Web Search, Monetization, Machine Learning/AI, Data/Analytics | www.linkedin.com/in/oleary
Go to the profile of Brian Elmi
Brian Elmi
Entrepreneur & Product guy | linkedin.com/in/brianelmi