Using Templates In Apple Reminders

Create. Action. Repeat

Julian Cosky
Productivity Matters


Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

When iOS17 was released it brought a few updates to the Apple Reminders app, and I’ve since ditched Todoist (which I’ve been using for the last few years) and moved all my task management to Reminders.

One feature I particularly like is Templates. It’s not new, but it’s very easy to setup and use, and I find it more intuitive than Todoist!


Apple Reminders does exactly what it says on the tin. You can set reminders for whatever you like and manage them with ease.

You can also use Siri to create reminders quickly and easily; these will automatically go to the Inbox, from where you can triage them accordingly.

So, I thought I’d go through one of my use cases, with Reminders, to give you an idea of what you can do with it.

Use Case: Cub Scouts

I run a Cub Scout pack, and there are a number of things that I need to do on a semi-regular basis, with regards to inviting and onboarding new Cubs to the pack.

To start with, I created a Template of all the tasks I need to do.

For each task I have assigned a tag, which will be needed when creating the Smart Lists later.



Julian Cosky
Productivity Matters

Husband. Father. Business Analyst. I’m also a Cub Scout Leader. Writing on Medium allows me to be me!