Here we are going to discuss about some STLs that are frequently used in competitive programming. Like string, vector, pair, queue, stack, set and map.
In the previous post we discussed about some important and most widely used STLs like…
Competitive programming is one branch of a larger tree. This tree broadly depicts various fields that a student must know about.
Here we are not gonna discuss the definitions of graph and its algorithm we are just going to visualise what graph…
Complexity : Complexity of an algorithm is a measure of the amount of time and/or space required by an algorithm for an input of a given size (n).
In analysing an algorithm, rather than a piece of code, we will try and predict the number of…
All prime numbers except 2 are odd, this makes 2 the oddest prime.
There are 78498 prime numbers smaller than equal to 10⁶
This article is divided in two parts
The heart of Graph Algorithms.
C++ is a general-purpose programming language.(and a lot more)
Before diving into code you must have compiler installed in your system.
Compiler — A program that converts High Level Language(HLL) into Low Level…
I assume you have knowledge of Loops, Arrays, Matrices, Data-Type, Functions. (If not take a look at PART-I and start reading from the textbook)