Go to Prosaic Mosaic
Prosaic Mosaic
Poetry, creative writing, fiction, flash-fic, fan-fic, nonfiction, philosophy, travel, plays, essays, articles — pithy pieces of prose presented for your perusing and pondering pleasure.
Note from the editor

Poetry, prose, creative writing, fiction, creative nonfiction, essays, travel writing and philosophy. We are very open as far as what types of creative writing we accept — just submit something you are proud of, and passionate about. We plan to grow to a staff of 150 writers, and we may add more editors as we grow. We are especially interested in newer Medium members, who are as yet lacking in creative outlets where they can publish their work. Since we are still a new and smaller publication, there will be opportunities to work with an editor to workshop your writing and develop your craft. That being said, we will never make changes to your work ourselves (other than punctuation or minor formatting errors). We will suggest possible changes in private notes, after you submit a piece for consideration. Our qualitative standards are high, as far as grammar goes, so please proofread before submitting.

Go to the profile of Chase C
Chase C
Poet. Writer. Editor. User of ink, paper, and fountain pens. Bassist, guitarist, fly fisherman, former high jumper. River wader. Fly fishing guide.
Go to the profile of Last moutainMAN
Go to the profile of Chase C
Chase C
Poet. Writer. Editor. User of ink, paper, and fountain pens. Bassist, guitarist, fly fisherman, former high jumper. River wader. Fly fishing guide.
Go to the profile of T. Dylan Daniel
T. Dylan Daniel
Philosopher. Founder of WIP Publishing & PAGE DAO. Author of Formal Dialectics and Bring Back Satire. https://dylan.cent.co/
Go to the profile of Brad Rothbart
Brad Rothbart
Writer, thinker, diaresis fanboy. Topics: Politics, sports, and disability rights. Email: scrdchao@gmail.com, or caffeinate them @ https://ko-fi.com/sacredchaos
Go to the profile of Jeremy Day
Jeremy Day
Budding entomologist/ecologist who likes to study bees; exploring anything Naturalism and DeFi related — — — — — — — — — — — Twitter, Publish0x, Cent: @jday1235
Go to the profile of Last moutainMAN
Go to the profile of Ezincrypto
interested in life, interested in crypto
Go to the profile of Dr.Gulnazmirza
_Feelings are little children tugging at you, waiting to be recognised_ _Just a woman, using poetry to soar through darker skies_ MEDICOS.