Van wie is deze bitcoin? — Deel II

Ik hou in de gaten op uitspraken die iets met Bitcoin te maken hebben. De site publiceert slechts een selectie van alle zaken, waar ik in september 2018 al eens over schreef in het artikel Van wie is deze bitcoin?

A Crime on Testnet

On a warm summer day I crave a frappuccino. Unfortunately drugs such as caffeine, sugar and cacao were declared illegal decades ago. This happened because young unemployed college graduates often felt triggered by loud caffeinated rich people. Sugar was causing mass obesity and was also a…

Decoding a BIP-70 Payment Request

I was trying to understand BIP-70 Payment Requests a bit better, mainly because I am confused by BitPay’s claim that they can somehow block “mistaken” transactions:

We can also analyze transactions to make sure an adequate bitcoin miner fee is…
Provoost on Crypto
Provoost on Crypto
My thoughts on Bitcoin and other interesting projects.
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