A complete guide to using MetaMask (updated version)

Published in
8 min readAug 23, 2018

How to create a cryptocurrency wallet with MetaMask?

If you are wondering how to create a new cryptocurrency wallet, consider creating one by installing the MetaMask extension.

MetaMask is a free and secure browser extension that allows web applications to read and interact with the Ethereum blockchain.

Step 1. Install MetaMask on your browser

To create a new wallet with MetaMask you need to install the extension first. You can install Metamask for Chrome, Firefox, Brave and Opera browsers.

  1. Open https://metamask.io or search for “Metamask extension” using your favorite search engine.

In this tutorial we will be using Google Chrome as an example, but the workflow is the same for all browsers.

2. Click Chrome to install MetaMask as a Google Chrome extension.

3. Click Add to Chrome.

4. Click Add Extension.

That’s it! You have successfully installed MetaMask extension!

Step 2. Create an account.

The next step is to create an account.

  1. Click on the MetaMask icon in the upper right corner to open the extension.
  2. To install the latest version of MetaMask, click Try it now.
  3. Click Continue.

4. You will be asked to create a new password. Create a strong password and click Create.

Don’t forget to store your password for safekeeping!

5. Proceed by clicking Next, then accept Terms of Use.

6. Click Reveal secret words.

7. You will see a 12 words seed phrase. Save seed words as a file or copy them to a safe place and click Next.

Reveal secret words and copy your secret backup phrase to a safe place

Security tips:

Write this phrase on a piece of paper and store in a secure location. If you want even more security, write it down on multiple pieces of paper and store each in 2–3 different locations.

Memorize this phrase.

8. Verify your secret phrase by selecting the previously generated phrase. When done, click Confirm.

By “solving this puzzle” you are confirming that you know your secret phrase

Congratulations! You have successfully created your MetaMask account. A new Ethereum wallet address was automatically generated for you!

Optional: If you want to deposit funds to your wallet straight away, choose one of the suggested methods. You can skip this step, it is possible to deposit funds to your wallet address anytime you want.

9. To continue, click View Account.

You can deposit funds to your wallet straight away by choosing one of the suggested methods

You will see your public wallet address. You can use it now and share this address with other people when needed.

Your MetaMask extension will always be available in your browser’s toolbar. Click on the MetaMask icon to open it and start your journey in the Crypto Space!

Now, when you have an account created, you can buy PBL and ETH tokens and send them to your newly created wallet address (check this step-by-step tutorial on how to buy PBL and ETH).

To open MetaMask simply click on the icon in the extension menu

What’s next? Check these frequently asked questions to learn what you can do with MetaMask.

Frequently asked questions:

How can I find my wallet address in MetaMask?

To see your publica wallet address in MetaMask, follow these steps:

  1. Open MetaMask.
  2. Click on the account name to copy your wallet address to clipboard.

3. If you want to see details, click the “hamburger menu” button.

4. Click Details.

How to see tokens I have on my wallet?

By default, MetaMask is displaying only ETH you have on your wallet. If you have other tokens on your wallet (for example, Publica’s PBL tokens), you need too add a token to display this information.

To add a token:

  1. Open MetaMask.
  2. Click Menu.
  3. Click Add Token.
  4. Select “Custom Token”.
  5. Enter the smart contract address of a token you want to add.

To add the PBL token, enter the following information:

Contract: 0x55648de19836338549130b1af587f16bea46f66b

6. Click Next.

7. Click Add Tokens.

That’s it! now you see a new token in the list!

You can find a smart contract address for any token by opening Etherscan and searching for a desired token.

Type in the token’s name in the search box and copy contract address from the “Summary” block

How to backup your account?

If you ever change browsers or move computers or you want to connect your cryptocurrency wallet with an app (for example, if you want to connect your wallet with Publica’s e-reader app) — you will need to enter your secret seed phrase or private key.

But what if you don’t have this data? It is possible to reveal your seed phrase. Simply follow these steps:

  1. Open MetaMask.
  2. Click on your account’s icon.
  3. Click Settings.
  4. Scroll down till “Reveal Seed Words” block and click Reveal Seed Words.
  5. Enter your password.

Save your Secret Private Seed Phrase and keep it stored safely on an external hard drive or storage medium.

Remember, no one can access you account’s details except you, so make sure to store your 12-word seed phrase or private key in a safe place! If you will lose access to your wallet — you will never be able to access it!

How can I restore my account using the secret seed phrase?

To restore your MetaMask account using a Seed Phrase, follow these steps:

  1. Open MetaMask and click Import using account seed phrase.

2. Enter your secret Seed Phrase.

3. Create a new, strong password.

4. Click Restore.

That’s it! You have successfully restored your account and have access to your wallet!

Where can I see my wallet’s private key?

I want to connect your wallet with another app or you simply need to know your wallet’s private key, follow these simple steps:

  1. Open MetaMask.
  2. Click the “hamburger menu” button.
  3. Click Details.
  4. Click Export Private Key.
  5. Type your password and click Confirm.

You will see your wallet’s private key. Never share your private key with anyone!

How to add another wallet to your MetaMask account?

You can use several Ethereum wallet addresses under your MetaMask installation. To add a new wallet address (new account):

  1. Open MetaMask.
  2. Click on your account’s icon.
  3. Click Create Account
  4. Choose a new name for your account and click Create.

Congratulations! You’re now able to use multiple accounts (multiple wallet addresses).

Example of creation of new wallet in MetaMask

Security tip: Always back up your wallet’s private key!

How to import existing cryptocurrency wallet to your MetaMask account?

You can import your previously created wallet to MetaMask.

  1. Open MetaMask.
  2. Click on your account’s icon.
  3. Click Import Account
  4. You will need to prove your ownership. Choose a desired type. By default, you will need to enter a private key. When ready, click Import.
Import of already existing wallet to MetaMask

How to add custom tokens I have on my wallet?

When you are importing a previously created wallet, you may not see all the tokens you have on your account straight away.

By default, MetaMask is displaying only ETH you have on your wallet. If you have other tokens on your wallet (for example, Publica’s PBL tokens), you need too add a “custom token” to the list to display this information.

In order to add a custom token:

  1. Open MetaMask.
  2. Click Menu.
  3. Click Add Token.
  4. Select “Custom Token”.
  5. Enter the smart contract address of a token you want to add.

To add the PBL token, enter the following information:

Contract: 0x55648de19836338549130b1af587f16bea46f66b

6. Click Next.

7. Click Add Tokens.

That’s it! now you see a new token in the list! Repeat the same procedure for all tokens you want to use.

You can find a smart contract address for any token by opening Etherscan and searching for a desired token.

Type in the token’s name in the search box and copy contract address from the “Summary” block

If you do not see some of your tokens in the list — don’t worry! Tokens are still there. MetaMask is only providing you a user friendly interface to interact with the blockchain, your tokens are not ‘stored’ on MetaMask.

How can I rename my account in MetaMask?

If you are using several accounts (several wallets) under one MetaMask installation, you can rename accounts for your convenience:

  1. Open MetaMask.
  2. Click the “hamburger menu” button.
  3. Click Details.
  4. Click on the “pencil” icon next to your account’s name.
  5. Enter the new name for your account (wallet) and save changes by clicking the “check” icon.
Renaming a MetaMask account

How to buy a book on Publica using MetaMask?

MetaMask enables you to interact with Dapps. In this example, we are shoiwng you how to buy books with cryptocurrency using MetaMask.

  1. If you have a MetaMask extension installed, open https://shop.publica.com to browse the catalog.
  2. Open the book you would like to purchase and click Buy.
  3. You will need to confirm two transactions. Click Confirm for both transactions.
  4. That’s it! You will receive a notification, as well as push notifications from MetaMask informing that transactions were successfully confirmed.

You can now read a book in Publica’s e-reader! Learn more here.




Blockchain revolution for the publishing economy.