How Quality Family Time and a Game of Poker Becomes a Teachable Moment

Life lessons from a deck of cards

Nicole Akers


We’re not normal. If you’ve been reading our Akers family stories you probably already know this. It shouldn’t come as a surprise that we gather around the table on a Sunday afternoon to teach the kids to play poker.


If this alarms you you can share those thoughts in the comments. If you know us, you know we’re weird and we like to tell each other stories for fun. It always starts with the same prompt: “So there I was…” Where can we go? Anywhere our imaginations take us.

Lately, I’ve been having a lot of fun testing a new series. You seem to enjoy it, and you keep saying you want another Akers family story. Come with us on a new journey. As you might expect food, health, and story meet in one place.

It is Sunday after church and everyone is getting hungry. No one will be in good spirits if we don’t eat first. If you’ve ever tried to make any sense of young children who are both tired and hungry you know the effort is fruitless. We have to eat first. My husband and I slave away on some eggplant parmesan. It may not sound like the healthiest dish, but I am determined to get the family to eat eggplant. I’ve failed on every past attempt. If you know me you probably…



Nicole Akers

Teacher | Happy Mom of 2 brings amazing tips on parenting, learning, & lifestyle | 🐶 Mom | Bestselling Author | Founder of Publishous. Keep that smile.