Will You Dare to Hope?

Start Loving and Living to Your Fullest Right Now!

Colleen Golafshan
3 min readDec 4, 2017


Start loving & living to your fullest right now!

Are you loving and living to your fullest?
Sadly, too many of us aren’t according to statistics.
How can you be confident of loving and living to your fullest?

Discover the first 2 of 10 ways to loving and living to your fullest whether you’re:

  • Diagnosed with terminal illness
  • Attacked unfairly.
  • Abandoned.

Begin loving and living to your fullest right now with these first two suggestions below.


First, dare to hope, whatever happens in your life — no matter how stretched you feel.
Dare to see yourself at your best, and be your best — whatever is happening.

Do you see the “Hope in Front of Me” Danny Gokey sings of?

‘There’s Hope in Front of Me’: Danny Gokey

Are you ready to meet some who dared to hope in dark places?


Despite the Difficulties

Second, choose to truly live despite difficult circumstances in your life.

Kara Tippetts began blogging in 2012. Soon after she faced a diagnosis of breast cancer. Kara dealt with her diagnosis and treatment in her blog, Mundane Faithfulness, four books and public speeches over the next three years.

Kara chose to truly live despite the pain, suffering and crushing reality of her death in 2015. She saw God has purpose in suffering; beauty and grace exist despite hard things like cancer, suffering and death. On her request, a friend continues her blog with a supportive team.

Ask For Help

After the birth of our two beautiful children, in an often fragile marriage, my chronic fatigue increased — as did my anger for several years. Occasionally I drove too fast, not caring for fleeting brief periods. It’s hard to admit I took such risks.

I thank God, my wonderful friends and health professionals I called on — especially when I felt overwhelmed and unable to go on. Finally, a caring herbalist diagnosed a hormonal imbalance. My anger calmed with supplements and teas, despite our failing marriage and my deteriorating health. Now, 10 years later, anger rarely flares in my life.

Don’t Give Up

Are you like so many of us who deal with one or more of these?

  • Significant health problems
  • Poor family dynamics
  • Various addictions

Keep asking for help when you have problems you can’t get on top of. Your problems may seem never-ending, but there are solutions. An answer could be closer than you imagine.

If you feel down, overwhelmed, or don’t want to live, contact someone who can help now. Find a helpline you can contact on Befrienders Worldwide. Make a safety plan and stay well.

In Australia if you, or anyone you know, is suffering from depression call:

Don’t leave this world without sharing all your beauty and richness to the fullest.

Sadly some reach a hopeless place and choose not to go on. Over the last months, I’ve known too many who decided not to live. One slightly younger friend, from our children’s playgroup days, didn’t share the extent of her hopelessness with her close network of family and friends till it was too late.

My friend’s death continues to sadden me deeply. I feel for her, her family and all who’ve been through similar pain. This fuels my desire to do what I believe I should now — share these words of hope.

Start loving & living to your fullest right now!


Join me on a journey to find our place in this world, loving and living to our fullest; being our best together…forever.

Choose living to your fullest in your situation.

Read more suggestions, whatever your circumstances, in Will You Ever Feel Truly Loved and 3 Ways to Living Fully Right Now.

How will you dare to hope and choose living to your fullest right now?

Let us know, in the comments below.

Subscribe to Colleen Golafshan for her updated journaling Thank You Guide.



Colleen Golafshan

Carer, Writer, Physio, Massage Therapist & Home Educator