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Puget Sound Partnership
News and updates from Puget Sound Partnership
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Puget Sound Partnership
Remembering Billy Frank Jr.
Remembering Billy Frank Jr.
On April 14, 2021, Governor Inslee signed House Bill 1372 into law. The bill replaces the statue of Marcus Whitman in the National Statuary…
Puget Sound Partnership
Jun 15, 2021
Explore the new dashboard for Puget Sound Acquisition and Restoration projects
Explore the new dashboard for Puget Sound Acquisition and Restoration projects
By Carrie Byron, PSAR program manager
Puget Sound Partnership
May 26, 2021
Puget Sound Partnership credits will fund nearshore conservation
Puget Sound Partnership credits will fund nearshore conservation
The people, animals, and plants of Puget Sound depend on its nearshore ecosystem for their survival and well-being. The Puget Sound…
Puget Sound Partnership
Jan 11, 2021
City of Marysville’s focus on green infrastructure produces multiple benefits
City of Marysville’s focus on green infrastructure produces multiple benefits
Adam Benton, project engineer with the City of Marysville, has seen firsthand what an accumulated flow of polluted stormwater runoff looks…
Puget Sound Partnership
Jan 7, 2021
Washington State Department of Health partners with communities to reopen shellfish harvesting…
Washington State Department of Health partners with communities to reopen shellfish harvesting…
Shellfish are a key part of the Puget Sound ecosystem. They provide ecological value by filtering and ingesting small particles and algae…
Puget Sound Partnership
Sep 28, 2020
Projects on the newly released PSAR ranked list will help people, salmon, and the economy
Projects on the newly released PSAR ranked list will help people, salmon, and the economy
We’re pleased to announce the Puget Sound Acquisition and Restoration (PSAR) program’s large capital ranked project list for 2021–23. This…
Puget Sound Partnership
Sep 18, 2020
Can polluted stormwater affect soil health?
Can polluted stormwater affect soil health?
During a heavy rainstorm, that water you see washing across the road and flowing into drains is stormwater. It’s the most common way toxic…
Puget Sound Partnership
Aug 10, 2020
About Puget Sound Partnership
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