“Pull Quotes” of a 2 Year Old: Week 18

…Rain Rain, Go Away

Ernio Hernandez
"Pull Quotes" of a 4 Year Old
3 min readMay 6, 2016


It has been a week of rain here and daddy is getting through his day off with Netflix and chill. Literally: watching the Carol DVD that’s been sitting by the TV for weeks while huddled under a blanket on the couch avoiding a basket of just-dry laundry. If I don’t move, it won’t see me. Here’s my girl:

Read up:

All of Quarter 1 | Week 14 | Week 15 | Week 16 | Week 17

Friday Apr 29

“Two!!” (proudly holding up just two fingers)

Saturday Apr 30

“Hi Sofia! Hi Sofia! Hi Sofia!”

Sunday May 1

“You finish eating.”

Monday May 2

“Turtle, I’ll be right back, okay?”

Tuesday May 3

“I got s(c)ared.”

Wednesday May 4

“Boo (blue) car.”

Thursday May 5

“I make happy face.” (making sad face, pouting out her lip)


I am happy to have extra work in recent weeks, but I will be all the happier when the sun returns so daddy and his little girl can enjoy more park and outdoor time. Okay, Carol is not going to watch herself. Shh! Don’t tell the laundry you saw me.

If you’re happy and you know it,
and you really wanna show it…
hit the ♡ below.

[Editor’s post-script: Read the next in this series below]

Previously on “Pull Quotes” of a 2 Year Old:

Week 1: …The Musical!
Week 2: …The Variety Show
Week 3: …Pants by Sassy
Week 4: …Birthday, Another Day
Week 5: …Snow Week
Week 6: …Her 1st Show
Week 7: …Pink Hearts and PinkEye
Week 8: …And Grew and Grew
Week 9: … Mommy Special
Week 10: …Sun and Fun
Week 11: …Manners and Mommy v Daddy
Week 12: …Say “Ahh!”
Week 13: …Spring Ahead
Week 14: …Pretend Play
Week 15: …Get Up!
Week 16: …Mommy Birthday
Week 17: …One with Nature

